Black Sheep For Congress!

Day 2,742, 07:38 Published in USA USA by ResouIa

It's election time again! And you know what that means! It's time for the Top Five parties to woo over the non-obligated citizens into voting for them! But that's not why I'm here, I just want to sit down with you and have a nice cup of tea 🙂 And how about we make it a fancy cup of tea?

Now that I've bedazzled you with my fancy tea, allow me to tell you about these kind fellows I know running for the Congress election. They're called The Black Sheep Party! They're these folk that like putting more money into YOUR hands, the hands of the people! That's why they've supported lower taxes since their existence. Every time other parties organize a raising of the taxes, The Black Sheep Party are there to push it lower! Because if the government is still making a profit, then we're still well off.

The newest goal they've placed in their hands is to get the dictator law repealed so that we can go back to living in the Republic we once knew! Imagine that? Living in a country where the congress can make actual decisions? Where the people elect branches of government that matter rather than just head honcho Castro! The other parties aren't too fond of setting us free from the chains and shacking of the grand overlord, but that doesn't mean The Black Sheep Party will give up their fight!

I don't know about you, but this Black Sheep Party definitely has my vote if it means more money for me and restoring freedom to our great country!

So how was that tea? Did you enjoy it? Was it as scrumptious as i had hoped to make it? Great! Now if you were curious, we can take a look at lets say...ten of the people The Black Sheep party is running for congress!

1. Arrden - 25 Time Congressman
2. jadiv - 5 Time Congressman
3. jagdinstinkt - 11 Time Congressman
4. Bob Boudahili - 9 Time Congressman
5. Resoul - 8 Time Congressman
6. Henry William French - 19 Time Congressman
7. Roper 70 - 14 Time Congressman
8. what4 - 8 Time Congressman
9. PMG-24 - 3 Time Congressman
10. Elanaconda - 11 Time Congressman

They've listed more but those are the immediate candidates, and I have to say, they are bringing experience to the table. Looks like a great lineup! So, did you want more tea?