Because We Can

Day 2,226, 15:16 Published in Netherlands Canada by Cody Caine

Mood Music

A little back story
So I was watching Digimon Adventure 02, while in the bog I've been in on the matter of a new military unit name, when my mind thought to a Digiwiki entry called the Royal Knights, and being the Revolutionary I am in this game, I naturally decided to call my MU the Revolutionary Knights.

Revolutionary Knights
So now that I had a name for it, I made it. For now the Revolutionary Knights will be I and anyone I know who requests to join. But as time goes by that will chance, and it will become an open access Military Unit for all Dutch Fighters, and friends of the Netherlands. The Revolutionary Knights will come with a Frame Add on for avatars, when I come up with an idea for it. Bonus competition prizes for DRP members [Lancer is just going to love me for that lol]. The Revolutionary Knights could possibly create a MU Commune, but that would require a lot of involvement. Anyway if you find yourself without an MU, or just bored with your current one, send me a message about joining the Revolutionary Knights.
Side Note
For those of you who just love to know how things came to be, I paid for this myself 😛 Because I'm a wee bit of a control freak, and I like to have a say in where I fight.

As always the ever insane,
Cody Caine
Boy of Love & War.

P.S. I killed that beeping Snow Man again, it was Epic!