An Introduction

Day 2,577, 09:23 Published in Israel Israel by Collin Patton

Hello, Citizens of eIsrael. I have been playing eRepublik since early 2013, and this will be my first article on eRepublik, so I should probably share a few things about myself.

First off, my name is not actually Collin Patton. I'm actually a 22 year old American from Texas. I am currently attending College, where I am trying to get a degree in Business. My hobbies and interests include American Football, Politics, video games, and watching movies. I'm not entirely sure what I intend to write about, though I may offer my two cents on matters or give some advice to newcomers.

It's important to note that I cannot speak or type Hebrew without a translator, so I apologize for that.

With all of that out of the way, thank you for reading, and if you have any suggestions for what I should write in the future, let me know. I'd very much appreciate any comments.

Long live Israel.