An Inside Look At The Trojan (Not The Condom)

Day 548, 20:19 Published in USA Canada by TroyTrojansCoach

Fellow Texans,
I am running for Congress in Texas (of course) and I want your votes. If I'm to represent the people, I'm going to need to know what the people want. Every last citizen in this state should have a say in what their Congressman votes for. As a Nationalist Party member, I am a strong believer in pro-war for PRODUCTIVE expansion and I believe the voice of a Level 1 rookie who is behind the rest of the citizens should have as much say as the title-earned Beta Giants. I respect every citizen no matter if you bash me or praise me (more likely the first one). My platform can be found in my previous article.

All I ask of you citizens is to make the right choice in this month's election and vote for a down-to-earth representative who listens to his fellow citizens as equals. Don't vote for generic brands of senators. Vote for the real thing. Vote for a Trojan.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions I will gladly listen to them with an open mind and will accept posts here or messages.