An Apology

Day 1,983, 21:10 Published in USA USA by Clint Carmel

By the time you read this, the 65th Congress will have started or just be about to start. This will be my sophomore time being elected. As with the first, I was at the top of the ballot. The masses like me-- they really like me!

But this isn't an article for bragging. Instead, this is actually a rare moment of humility for me. Perhaps too rare.

Because I was watching TV tonight-- the new Sherlock Holmes show 'Elementary,' and a line resonated with me. Something a character sai😛 'For all your abilities and smarts, there's something you never seem to get: it's not about you. Get over yourself.'

I laughed out loud when I heard that statement. I did. I went "LOL!" in my living room, just like the Russian trolololololo guy.

And it was a laugh of recognition.

Like all good men who think they are great-- and one bad man who thinks he's Kevin Bacon on 'Bones' -- this week I had succumbed to the sin of arrogance. Fingerguns saved me from myself before I could do lasting damage to the planet-- and that's the cool thing about parties, it's why you should join and vote, because your friends have your back even when you're acting like I did-- but I may have done some damage myself, and to myself.

Not for anything I did-- I haven't gone running over to the AFA or sold state secrets to our enemies-- but for how I have been acting and reacting this week. I might have said a few obnoxious things on IRC or in newspapers, talking about stuff I have no idea what I'm talking about.

I can offer no excuse. I have an explanation-- this weekend would have been my anniversary with Sharon, and this weekend I was sloshed and on a bender. But that's no excuse. I knew the state I was in, and that I would take anything I read the wrong way, and went online anyway.

And in my mood, I took a comment that someone e-mailed me personally, so personally that I convinced myself that anything I did was justified. I never stopped to ponder how I must have come across initially to have started the whole thing; I never stopped to consider what I might have done to have triggered disappointment or whatever. Instead, I just kept focusing on my feelings of being chided, which only compounded things.
So I'm simply in the wrong, end of story.

My actions and reactions this weekend were my own, and do not reflect on the many hard working and proud and horny members of the Federalist Party. I have nothing but respect and admiration for everyone in it and I know I have to redeem myself for acting like a meatball.

And in the future-- in Congress and elsewhere-- I am going to strive for a more consistent and harmonious tone.

And right now, I apologize. To those I shot my mouth off to, and to the people of eUSA. And I suppose to the Federalist Party, because I'm not just a civilian right now-- I'm in S.H.I.E.L.D., and tomorrow morning I'll be starting the 65th Congress on the Federalist Party line. And so to Fingerguns, and to PP EnterAwesome and to VP Cromstar (and 747 others), I sincerely apologize.