An Alliance for the future

Day 2,842, 14:17 Published in United Kingdom Poland by Stevearino

Does the UK need to be a member of an Alliance?

Well for many months we've been hearing rumours of an impending Alliance reshuffle, talk of the fall of Asteria have (so far) proven wrong. As the weeks and then months pass we see Asteria continue to rule the roost. Now I don't object or begrudge them their success, far from it, but for the benefit of both us, them and the eWorld as a whole I believe we need competitive Alliances.

I was today reading an article from one of the main contenders for being CP of Croatia this coming month, Don Croata.

He has made clear his intention on the diplomatic front that the time has come to make the changes that are neede😛-

"We have to stop waiting for a change, because we have enough power to initiate these changes. We can not expect someone else to do everything for us, we can not wait for the break-up of Asteria"

"We will be the change, we will be the force that will form an alliance to stand against Asteria."

This sentiment needs to be reflected in countries like the eUK as well. We saw during the recent expulsion from Europe of both Argentina and Brazil how countries working together could facilitate victory on the battlefield and the benefits to both the eUK and its allies could be magnified if such co-operation could come as part of an Alliance.

Unity is Strength