All Roads Lead To Rome

Day 821, 08:25 Published in USA Canada by TroyTrojansCoach

My road has officially reached Rome in my journey through eRepublik. I've had a lot of fun but it is time to leave. I know most people won't even notice my absence but its nice to think that someone cares. I apologize that this has to be so sudden but I think I would rather just live my life than to play eRepublik everyday. I'm just going to reach level 21 then I'm quitting for good. And just so I can look at it and feel good about my meager achievements, I'm going to list them here:

-General Rank
-9 Hardworker Medals
-135 Friends
-US Army 4/1
-US Home Guard
-listed on Orbit-Fish's hate list
-multiple time PP of the Nationalist Party
-Ranked 826 in the US
-Author of "Number of the Beast" which made it to the #1 International Spot with 1303 votes and 168 comments
-Owner of Ocarina Inc and Fire Arrow Weapons

That's really all I can think of. O well. See you guys around.

-The Trojan