Airstrike from Taiwan

Day 2,346, 11:14 Published in United Kingdom Republic of Moldova by SPECTRE Command

Day 2346 - European wars

7th Cavalry daily orders

Day 2344 - fight for Netherlands --- victory
Day 2345 - fight for Germany --- victory
Day 2346 - fight for Chile --- victory

7th Cavalry under the command of Jockson the invincible has won every battle.

Then the day 2346 comes when headquarters says hold fire. This is an outrageous order for a soldier that is used to charge all the time.

The official orders from UK headquarters for today is to hold fire until Taiwan attacks. This decision is an odd bet, it's wrong, but you have to understand our headquarters' gambling nature in such situation, the stakes are too tempting not to make a bet this way. A classic mistake, but what can you do?

Message to Captains of 7th Cavalry

Your Commander will be offline this evening, so it's up to Captains to lead the troops. The war against Taiwan is coming up, as you probably know, and it's going to cost a lot of money, a money that one could bribe whole Taiwanese congress with.

This here is a tool that you can use for monitoring battles:

shift+c is a shortcut to military campaigns.
shift+s is for business as usual.

The daily orders, I hope you know how to set them.