ADVERTISE in eWorld Economy Magazine!! - *FREE custom-made banners on request!*

Day 511, 15:33 Published in Canada Canada by AugustusV
This is a brief message from Octavian_F, chief editor of eWorld Economy Magazine.

- You can provide both pictures and text
- Our trained marketing team can also help you design a custom banner to display if you wish, (using other graphics software programs), FREE OF CHARGE.
- You can advertise literally ANYTHING you desire (companies, newspapers, organizations, political parties/elections, random stuff, etc)
- All fees are negotiated (fees are VERY LOW atm)
- Great idea for political campaigns as well!
- If you wish to advertise in the eWorld Economy Magazine, and would like to find out more about the cost, and the many different options available, please contact Octavian_F.

Supporting Us
You can consider advertising in eWorld Economy Magazine as way of supporting us, (and our journalists), so that we may be able to hire and maintain additional journalist, and provide you (and the rest of our readers), with better quality articles. Thanks.

- If you wish to advertise in the eWorld Economy Magazine please contact Octavian_F
- You can provide both pictures and text, and our marketing team can even help you design a custom banner to display.
- We can advertise companies, organizations, and even run political campaign ads.
- All fees are negotiated