Adopt an elderly Baby

Day 2,393, 02:27 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

According to records found at the Minister of Education we still have a lot of elderly babies in our midst our current CP Mirek12345 being one.

Now I don’t know why a person that is a couple of years old here should still need an occasional handout but apparently they do.

So it seems they were cut from their mother apron strings too quickly therefore us the higher level citizens of eIreland must jump in.

Here is how it work:

Adopting an elderly baby

1. Look in Mr Tayto ‘ article (he is the Min Of Education) for an elderly baby AND identify him like this:

2. Go to this address for an Irish adoption certificate :

3. Inform baby your adopting him like this

4. Full out the form like this:

5. Screenshot the form and submit it to Viktor Kurgan Mr Tayto LIKE THIS:

6. Pay 40 IEP to Minister of Education like this :


7. Wait till your adoption application has been approved by Mr. Tayto the State Prior

Caring for an elderly baby:

1. Feed him by sending him enough energy per day. Some babies will overfeed so be careful!!!

2. Educate him by direction every economic move he make till he is weened.
note: Elderly babies probably has some learning disability or somethjing. Identifly such problem and correct it . Or just repeat your message daily to him.

3. Arm him by sending him 10 Q7 WEPS a day.

4. Direct his brain to understand how this game work by each day sending him an helpful tip.

For example: One produces food in a food factory and can eat said food. Food factories can be bought for 10 gold.


And Finally exclaim MY WORK HERE IS DONE

My work here is done

Ps I have first dibs on Raven Anarcho ya all get your own babies and leave mine baby alone.

Enjoy the like of your new eSon