About congress elections

Day 2,571, 06:21 Published in Netherlands Australia by Crypteia

Today I want to show you a chart about the dutch congress. In this chart you will be able to see how the congress was distributed in last two years (since January 2013).

There are a column for each party that had at least 1 congressmember in last two years and also a column that shows the percentage of the congress they controlled that month.

As you can see some things changed in this 2 years, Dutch Revolutionary Party and Blanco Party are no longer parties and they don’t have congressmen obviously.

I&W started to control most part of the congress this April and until nowadays. We can also see how the Geuzen Partij Nederland has decreased his influence on the congress.

DemNL have always been a regular party, we can see they have always been controlling around the 20% of the congress’ votes.

Another important thing to notice is that eNL was wiped from April ‘13 to September ‘13, so there weren’t congress during those months.

Now, it’s time to take your own conclusions and enjoy yourself with the article.

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