A Reflection & Some Advice

Day 1,690, 00:26 Published in USA USA by GloveisLove

Citizens of the eWorld and my fellow Americans,

First I would like to thank you all for participating in the hotly contested election and also a shout-out to the elections in Canada and Brazil as well, as they were very fun to watch. An extended thanks for those who decided to support me, we all worked very hard and tried our best, but we were simply outnumbered.

This election was the last attempt to prevent a huge shift in our global affairs in favor of one that is unpredictable and in my opinion, unwise.

But we will enter a new era, whether we like it or not.

The elected government has explained it is interested in aligning with Spoland, something I too considered but ultimately concluded was a poor decision and did not further explore it. I was unwilling to throw any of our allies in favor of Spoland, but the opposition feels otherwise.

This is the turning point, for the better, or for the much much worse. The alliances will shift. We have worked with Spoland in the past and ended up fighting against each other, now we find ourselves trying it once more. If history serves as any type of example, the outcome will not be pretty. But the decision is yours, the majority of the nation voted for this, so now you must bite the bullet and face the consequences.

Some things that come min😛 if you read Israel’s article, you will notice, a lot of our allies are very unhappy about this. Our reputation with our allies, to put it bluntly, is not good. The eUSA is also host to a large number of foreigners, many from ONE (around 400+) and hundreds from TEDEN nations as well. This presents a big potential problem both internally and externally, and is something to be weary of, as for if there are enough disgruntled citizens, things can get very ugly, very fast. Or perhaps there will be a mass exodus. Who knows, maybe if we let our guard down, we may find ourselves no longer in charge of own nation.

Anyways, some words of wisdom, as I humbly take my bow.

Always remember this is a game, please do not bring your anger from real-life and take it out onto others on here, nobody cares about your 1000 year old derp war & ancient toilets, there are people behind these screens and they have feelings too (well most of us).

You do not need to work in every position of government to advance yourself, you simply need to show dedication and talent, have this and you can ascend from a mere citizen to a cabinet member with ease, just get yourself known. The best way for this, I’ve always felt, was with the media. Do not be afraid of making some enemies along the way, there will always be people who criticize you, but if you never make an enemy in your life, then you have probably never stood up for anything either.

Master the media, make friends abroad, and stay true to yourself and don’t degrade yourself just in hopes of getting some power. The currency, government, the nation, everything is fake, all of it is expendable, the only thing that is not expendable is the community and the individual.
Sometimes it is more important to lose every battle and fight to the death with your allies than to save yourself and have all the resources in the world. The fake pixels for a nation won’t remember what you did, but the players will. And for the love of Plato, do not buy gold if you can help yourself, this really is not worth your money.

And always remember, you have an impact. May the love of Dio be with you, forever.

Now I take my bow,
