A Radical Opposition Party

Day 2,977, 15:50 Published in Ireland Ireland by Cat Boyd

Published 15:50 on Day 2,977

Good evening wonderful eIrish comrades,

This is an invitation for active and dedicated eIrishmen and women to join The Revolutionary Banist Party. We are currently at 2 members now, myself and LaganLad. We are looking for more people to join our team.

This new Party promises to make a huge impact on eIreland and the New World. It upholds a solid ideology and offers players something beyond just the military module. Although the Independent Labour Party is commendable and do excellent work, they hold a large majority of players and as any hegemonic entity need a respectable opposition - an opposition...further to the Left!

How can the RBP claim to be more radical than the ILP? For a few reasons: the ILP has long been institutionalized into eIrish politics, during the eIrish Cold War it was a long drawn battle between the ILP and the group of players collectively referred to as the "Kunts" (their self-given name after creating "The Cheeky Kunt Party"). The history of the Kunts goes back to 2010 and they evolved throughout those years into multiple different organizations and political parties. Upon the defeat of the Kunts the ones who took their mantle were known as Cr0mega which was a group of e-Croatian refugees who made home here and soon crept their way into a formidable political power over the native eIrish. In recent history Cr0mega has vanished, for reasons I am unsure because I was not active at the time, and since the ILP has returned to having a commanding lead in eIrish government when it comes to Congress elections. They occupy 17 seats in Congress with the second runner up, Irish Freedom Party, only 8.

The political party known as Rational And Sane People proclaim to be "far-left" however its leader Sweet Drinker has a well known reputation as a fervent pro-capitalist. Therefore we cannot claim the RASP as a radical opposition party. This place can only be claimed by the RBP and when you join us you join a solid team committed to revolutionizing the game itself.

We wish to have comradely competition between us and the ILP and I mean not to slander their name at all. In the game of e-politics it is only right for a dominant party to have opposition and instead of a far-right opposition like many have been in the past, there now exists a radical far-left opposition! Join us in The Revolutionary Banist Party and let's begin to make a new history of eIreland. Let's foster radical e-social change and work towards an Irish Socialist Republic. Thank you!

Below are some positions in the Party that still need to be filled.

Secretary General of the RBP: Will be the theoretician of the Party and engage all members, especially new members, in training them to understand and develop the philosophy & ideology of Banism. Materials and instruction will be given by the Party Chairmen/women.

Spokesperson of the RBP: Will act as the Public Relations and Propaganda Specialist.

Essentially all Party members will be included on one private message so we can communicate effectively with each other. All Party members, on the Leadership Committee or not, will hold the power in their voice. This is a Party which seeks the maximization of democracy within itself and eIreland. I implore you, once more members get involved, that this Party will not disappoint and will certainly make your time playing eRepublik very enjoyable and fun! P.S. I can create avatars and banners for members as well!

Banism is a new force in politics, one that will reshape the New World political arena. You can become a Banist too! Click on the link to join The Revolutionary Banist Party! Join the e-REVOLUTION!

Comrade Cat