A Presidential Statement: It's Over Son......

Day 2,157, 11:35 Published in USA USA by Josh Frost

Mood Music: Surprise

If you even dream of beating me you'd better wake up and apologize.

Another Day Another Beating…..

At first I was going to write an article, but then I decided to write this letter to RGR. I think it conveys my feelings and that of the American people. I hope everyone enjoys the read.

Dear Ronald Gipper Reagan,

It’s been 6 months in a row at this point and you keep losing your party. Before that you just kept losing Presidential elections, but now you pretty much lose everything. For somebody that aspires to a political career, this does not bode well for your future employment. Things are getting to the point where I am almost embarrassed for you. There was a time when you and your Serbian horde and multis were fearsome, but I think that day has ended.

Yesterday, you tried to take over two other parties in addition to keeping your own. I think this is a clear sign of desperation. Your voting base is decimated and you can’t even hold your own party, but now you are going after two? We beat you on three fronts yesterday!! In a show of masterful planning and execution the DHS, MelissaRose and America pounded you and your PTO’ing friends like a two dollar Thai hooker. I bet you are still sore from it… it even hurt to watch.

It’s not going to stop. I think America gets some sort of sick pleasure from this now. It’s like our own little monthly purge. For all the years you have harassed people and other nations this is sort of your in-game Karma. I’m sure you will get another party running and try to hit the Top 5. Guess what’s going to happen then? Yep, you guessed it. We are going to line up and kick your a*s again and again. It’s never going to stop.

You had a good run and for a while I am sure you had a lot of people scared. I know a lot of people even entertained the idea of letting you win the Presidency just so you would go away. I bet they feel silly now, because the American people have emphatically answered the challenge you have given them. Whether you admit it now or in six months…. you have lost. Leave with what little grace and dignity you have left intact. Don’t stick around and continue being a caricature. Admit defeat, move on, and live your life….it’s over son.