500 Gold For Free! Really?

Day 1,033, 18:48 Published in Serbia Germany by Kalif Batan
Dear people of eSerbia,

Stop voting this article and don't sub this newspaper!

Let me tell you something about cesgon, the owner of the newspaper named "The Oldschool" that some of you subbed and voted.

Some minutes ago i saw this on my computer screen:

It is funny, that he is doing that "500 Gold for free" thing, cause we in eGermany just found out, what was wrong about his article about a month ago. This article was called "400 Gold for free" or something like that. I can't tell you exactly, cause that article got deleted. You can see, if you check his shouts:

But the story still continues: In this months PP-elections, cesgon planned to PTO a small party in eGermany. On election-day congress-member cesgon gave eGerman Citizenship to 3 people. Those 3 people immediately went to the party in which cesgon was running.

So far it's not a big problem. But what did we find out, after checking those three people? They were all dying (each was under 10 wellness and happiness) and they all got donations from cesgon. It's a bit strange, that dying citizens are applying for citizenships and go voting, so we took the chance and reported the case to admins. Look what they di😛

Cesgon was not banned for it and the votes were not removed - i re-opend my ticket to admins, it is still pending right now.

And do you know, whats the best part of the story?
Many people in eGermany told me, who was one of the winners of the last article (the "400 gold for free". Can you figure out who it was?

It was one of those three people, that got banned now for being multies. What a remarkable coincidence, isn't it?
Unfortunately i can't proof this, cause the article got deleted...

To close this article, i want to show you a article of The German Eagle (TGE), who made a survey today, about who should be the next president of eGermany. Look on the picture in this article, it is from the spreadsheet, that was used for this survey. It shows, how cesgon is voting in this survey for himself as CP, with 11 accounts about every 30 seconds... this needs no more words!

So i hope i could convince you to stop voting this article and don't sub this newspaper! I don't think, that any of you would ever win something worthy for it.

Greetings from eGermany
Kalif Batan