5 days to PP!

Day 1,115, 16:06 Published in USA Canada by Thedillpickl

Hi kids!

(EDIT: I'd like to update the following article.
This was fun for me. Possibly not for many others.
I have since removed my name from the run for UIP PP.)

Boy that's a long time to wait to PP!

I'm gonna leave the kitty alone tonight.

We need to speak of a diabolical scheme to rend the United Independents Party control from UIP faithful and give it to the current regime.

A mockery like this cannot be tolerated!

Who's behind this, you ask? None other than Athanaric our current PP.

I joined the UIP because it is a bunch of free thinkers, with minds of their own, who believe in our Country, our way of life, and who cherish freedom. Not to flip flop on the issues and grovel at the feet of Josh Frost. This is the path we are now on.

I ask for your vote and support to restore the UIP to cooldom and freethinkerty that we once enjoyed and to banish those who would have us cower beneath a petty dictator! I am announcing my run for UIP PP to thwart the take over of our beloved UIP by loathsome thugs. Will you support me? Answer the call, UIPers!

Here is what one of Mr. Athanaric's own relatives had to say about my candidacy and his relative's treachery. For fear of reprisal, his name is changed here.

PKL: So 'Bob', what do you think of Mr.Athanaric's submission to those guys?
Bob: I can't believe it! Athanaric was always someone for me to look up too. He was the one who inspired me to get into sports. He certainly cowarded out on the people who were counting on him.
PKL: I agree, that's why I'm running for UIP PP.
Bob: I'm glad you are! I hate to turn my back on my own kin, but he (Athanaric) has left me no choice.
PKL: It's OK 'Bob', I understand. But you must remember, Athanaric turned HIS back on you and his party first. It's not your fault.
Bob: I know, I know, it's just all so upsetting to me. We were raised different than this. If GrandMa could see him now...
PKL: Guess I'll let you get back to what you were doing. Thanks for you support and the interview!
Bob: No problem, if there's anything I can do let me know. < smiling again>

Well there you have it, straight from Mr. Athanaric's own family. What else can I say?

What do you think?