2 yr old smokes 40 a day!

Day 918, 13:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Alex W-M

ok first of all the title is correct, a two yr old indonesian boy smokes 40 ciggerates a day. Ardi Rizal is the childs name, he weighs 4 stones, and as you would probably guess he has health problems. I wonder why. Sorry if this offends anyone but i first thought wow 40 a day and his still alive. now i know that there are so many things wrong with this on so many different levels like health and morallity. After my first thoughts certain questions came to mind like the parents, neighbours and the local officials. so heres what i found.
His mum says he is addicted and they cant stop him as he throws tantrums. Well duh kids do throw tantrums they do that its a parents job to handle it and the other weird thing is that his father says he cant see any problems but common sense states other wise. the officials know about the situation and they tried to stop the child smoking. How? they bribed the family with a new car, now i know the local officials arent as resourceful as some in the uk but im sure nicotine patches are available and way cheaper than a car.

for more info on the story and picture go to link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1281538/Smoking-year-old-Ardi-Rizal-40-cigarettes-day.html?ITO=1490

BTW. first article in a while so comments much appreciated and remember subscribe

P.S i dont smoke if u were wondering, this article was removed once for something by the admin but i didnt get why so let me know what u think.