[Wook4CP] Wake up and smell the wookie...

Day 2,293, 02:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by WookieO

I have to run again...

Hello all you lovely readers out there.

I'm going to apologise for the brevity of this article straight away, but unfortunately I'm currently 'oop north' in Leeds for a wedding and am writing this on my phone.

As a concerned citizen of the eUK I was pretty shocked and slightly appalled when I perused the candidates list for the upcoming eUK Country President election.

The names on that list were either scary or underwhelming to say the least.

Thus I have decided to throw my hat into the ring once more in order to give this fine nation the chance to elect a leader who has the experience and more importantly the common sense to run this country well.

A quick and easy 'soundbite' image I could find on my phone to rally the troops around a Wook4CP campaign...

I will of course release more articles in the next few days when I'm back in London away from the strange northerners I'm currently surrounded by...these will detail my plans for a Wook term and the direction I hope to take the nation.

For now I will ask you to think seriously (Sirius-ly) about who you want running the eUK...and to of course vote Wook4CP come the 5th of March.

I thank you.

Lack of strong candidates
Need for composed head on broad shoulders