[Wook4CP] My plans and my cabinet...

Day 2,114, 07:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by WookieO

What will I be doing and who’ll be doing it with me?

Some of my opponents and even some of the floating voters of the eUK have questioned my seriousness over the last few days.

I would like to set the record straight on this matter - yes, I’m a fun-loving chap and I am here (playing this game) to enjoy myself. However that does not mean in any way, shape or form that I would take the position of CP of the eUK lightly.

Having spoken to a few people recently I have begun to shape my plans for a WookieO term and in fact have already got some names in place for my cabinet if I am lucky enough to win this election.

EDIT: I'm afraid Carlini has decided he can't be my Minister of Health next month, if I win this election. I was very much looking forward to seeing his plans for the NHS unfold, but I fully understand his reasons for pulling out.

Do not fret though! I have a couple of names for a replacement as back up and I am sounding them out as you read this. I will make sure the young citizens of the eUK are not neglected and there are some other plans in the pipeline which through the MoHA should help this.

I am also delighted to announce that Emergy Maxfell, the current Minister of Finance, has kindly agreed to take on the reins for a second term.

Emergy has done a superb job this month, following on from the excellent work of Carlini the previous term and I feel very happy in giving him this position. Our funds are in safe hands here and the country’s investments have been looked after very well.

Regarding the rest of my cabinet I have a few names in mind (as I will reveal later in this article) but I am happy to take applications from any and all eUK citizens. Please feel free to send me a PM with any experience you may have and/or any area you’d prefer to work in and I will endeavour to find a place for you if I can.

Any plans though Wook?

My main ideas for my term are to actively promote the fun and social aspects of this game, primarily to keep new citizens engaged, but also to attempt to reinvigorate the older players too!

Through my Ministry of Home Affairs and the attached Ministry of Entertainment I want to bring humour to the forefront of any articles released. I’d like to see games, quizzes and interviews giving a real sense of what it’s like to be a part of the eUK.

Promotion of the forums and of irc will be a part of that, although I do realise that not all players want to take that next step and become involved off the eRep website, but I will be advocating the value added to the game through them. As my old drama teacher used to say to us “You only get out what you put in…” and I think for this game more than most, that statement is true.

Regarding this I can tell you that I have given the Minister of Entertainment's position to LongShotzZ.

For the Ministry of Defence I am not asking for any massive changes. Some people may feel this is wrong, but I think the current plan for the running of the MoD is the right one. With the use of combat orders and the UK - FU scheme working reasonably well, then I just have to make sure I put the right people in the right position.

I can announce that mwcerberus and FragUK will be my co-MoDs, but they will need dedicated and active deputies to assist them, so as mentioned above, if this is an area you’re interested in, let me know.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is an area I’m not at all experienced in and I feel this is also an area of the eUK government that is seen as shadowy and “behind closed doors” to the general populace.

I’d like this to change and I want my ministers to keep the eUK up-to-date with everything that’s going on in the eWorld. Regular articles are a must and I want them to make it easy to understand for the newer players. To that end I am pleased to announce my co-MoFAs for the month as Bohemond4 and Rfeist. These two have experience at the highest level of the eUK, both having sat in the CP’s seat and I know they’ll do me proud in the world of foreign affairs.

Once again, if you are interested in getting involved in Foreign Affairs, please let me know and I’m sure Boh and Rich will appreciate the extra help.


Before I let you go I have one final announcement for this article and this is the appointment of my vice-CP. In fact this month I shall have two vCPs and their role will be to speak for me when I cannot be there, to help me out with the day to day running of departments and to give me advice when I need it.

I’m happy to reveal that my vCPs are ChewChewShoe and Butjam. These two experienced souls will be invaluable to me during this term I believe (and although Chewie has informed me he’ll be having internet issues for the first week, I’ll have Butjam to cover during this period).

And that concludes this lastest article in my CP campaign for eUK Prime Minister. If you’d like to look over my previous campaign articles you can find them here and here. I realise that there were lots of words and fewer pictures than you may have been accustomed to with a Wook article, but there was serious stuff to talk about 😉

Thank you and don’t forget to vote for me, WookieO, on the 5th.

