[Welsh] Onward with confidence... or something similar

Day 2,115, 17:16 Published in Switzerland USA by Jason Welsh
If you don't mind bootleg sound quality, you're in for a treat!

Like new stuff better? Try this

So as you can see, we're winning Graubinden! This is awesome, and I'd like us to RW in Deutschweitz as soon as this battle ends 😉 We're taking our regions back!

Other than our military victories, I'd like to say thank you all for voting for me to be the next CP! I'm really excited to be doing this, and I'm confident that I'll lead you guys into a good term. I'll be doing it with the help of my especially awesome cabinet, here they are 😃

CP - Jason Welsh
Official Swiss Watchdog - Rican (You can try to quit all you want, you ARE eSwitzerland 😉)
vCP - Sgtchewy

MoHS Parties - Csabo07
MoHS Elections - remi.remi

MoFA - Alexandre Walen

MoD - Benjamin Doverton
vMoD - Trogdorthetroll100
MoD Advisor - Lansizzle

MoF - Glarner
vMoF - faucoult

These awesome people are... well... awesome!

Tomorrow is the official election, wish me luck guys!

One final note, an amusing shout!

Which makes me wonder why I was friends with Ziga in the first place... \(o.o)/

That's all for now, keep fighting and stay tuned for more!

Stay sexy guys 😉
