【穷老板心声】拯救无头鸡 (谢谢大家帮vote)

Day 962, 07:45 Published in China China by K9000K

Thank Mr yellow frog and ShrimpStick for English version

Saving private Mike

I believe that most of the citizens were confused by the V2 system as I do. Indeed, compared with V2 the old system seems to be simpler and balance. As a result I decided to give some suggestions to the developer of eRepublik, and hope that we can save this game.

eRepublik Rising, in many ways, introduces new concepts to the game.It’s good to change but the fundamental formula behind is so confusing and complicated which makes more and more people leave the game forever.In fact we all think that the eRepublik team has made the game much more complicated than it can be.
One of the most disgusting feature in V2 is the "11-career" system.

Dividing the occupation and have unique company goods is really a great idea, we can see that it’s similar to real life.But because of some limitations of the game (people, company, war – economic nature) this system seems to be over complicated. As a result we suggest the following changes to simplify the game:
For the 3 main divisions, builders, manufacturers and harvesters, instead of letting the individuals choose who they are among the 11 careers, the boss of the company takes that role to decide what department the employees should work for. For example for a Tank Company with 10 manufacturers, the boss will decide how many employees will work in the engineering, technician, mechanic and fitter department respectively.

My boss let me draw ticket everyday, But I think there is no future.

Toast maybe cool! So I went to the bread factory, A higher salary than before.
What a wonderful life!

Isn’t it much simpler and clear?
So the product is unique as well and consequently it’s the boss who has to think instead of individual workers. The new system that I proposed is much simpler so normal citizens don’t need to decide their career path (and to worry about making wrong choices). I believe that it can keep a lot of players in V2.

Secondly on the new V2 battle system (chessboard style war), most of us are anxious about the efficiency [reliability] of the system regarding that the server performance in the past and the problem arise during war due to internet delay. We’re afraid that some major wars which produce complex data transmission will become a heavy burden to the server; consequently it may affect the war process or even the result.

So we suggest that it can take one step backwards, letting the system pick your opponent randomly as a result keeping the unique characteristics of weapons. Of course this may kill some “tactics” in the chessboard war however concerning the server performance in the past the simpler, the better (KISS=Keep It Simple and Stupid).

We still have a lot of recommendations to be made because we believe that this game is built on a very good foundation and the only thing we need to do is to improve it.

Recommended dear mike.
Maybe find a mathematician of students is a good idea.

We don’t really want to see such a good web- based game failed as it tries to rise in a wrong direction. We hope to you would consider and implement our suggestions as soon as possible or else a lot of us will leave the game forever.



相信大家都对v2一头雾水,我也一样。但由于v1的设定很不错,因此我决定写一些建议 给所有erep的人,希望能拯救这个我们曾经浇筑了心血的世界。

v2很大程度上有了新的构思,这很不错。但因为计算公式混乱,导致越来越多的人准备放 弃erep,事实上我觉得无头鸡是把简单的事情复杂化了,最恶心的例子就是将3个职业 划分成11个职业,还有比这更糟的吗?

细分职业,让每个公司的产品有独特性确实是不错的想法,但是由于每个人的思路观念不同 ,在目前已经验证了这个是很糟糕的做法。其实我们只需要稍微改进一下就完全可以避免这 个毛病。

但是不同的地方是,公司老板可以自己控制员工的生产方向,比如我的火炮公司里有10个 人,他们的职业都是制造业,然后老板选项让比如5个人做engineer,让2个人做 technician,让2个人mechanic,最后1个让他去做fitter,当 fitter不够的时候我可以抽engineer的人下来当fitter,完全自由转 换。

我是一个机票厂里的制造工,我的工作是每天画机票,不过我觉得这份工作很没前途 。

我觉得烤面包很酷,于是我辞职去了面包厂。哇哦,薪水比以前高!随时转换职业太 完美了 !

多方便,不是吗?所有产品一样有独特性!让公司老板去动脑筋考虑问题而不是让普通玩家 考虑深度问题(比如选择职业的未来是否有前途)。我想只需要这一点,就能挽回好多玩家 。

其次是战斗,由于v2采用网格式的战斗方法,很多人认为这是诟病!当然可以预见的是, 由于网络延迟问题(比如天朝电信防火长城)以及无头鸡服务器的问题(这个是事实),大 规模战斗中大量数据纠结在一起一定会导致战斗无法顺利进行,那么是不是采用随机分配对 手的方式会更好点?类似v1的战斗界面但由服务器随机指定一个对手给你,我想这样至少 比现在的战斗方法容易做到,也会让战斗跟目前一样有兵种特色。当然或许类似突袭,坚守 ,包抄等等战术无法实现,但我想在糟糕的服务器以及网络的前提下,那些战术都是空谈!

哦,你说医院?堆墙?挖坑?占格子?其实很简单啊,所有完成战斗的人如果没死,都可以 计算成一定数据变成预备队(相当于墙),预备队每个回合(或者每分钟)都可以回复一定 数值直到医院消失,当然预备队是可以随时上战场的,只要你重新上线进战场。
假设,今天是圣诞节,西方国家很多人不会在今天上erep,再假设韩国人想进攻俄国人 ,是不是根本没抵抗就能打赢呢?哦不会,因为俄国人已经全在战场里作为预备队了,韩国 人想打赢还是没这么容易的。

经济模块?其实我有很多经济模块想提出建议,限于篇幅以及怕被人说我不懂经济,因此这 里就不详细说明了。

不过我还是有一个最大的建议,亲爱的无头鸡,请雇佣一个至少小学毕业的数学家来 计算相 关数据。

最后,万分感谢Mr yellow frog写的英文版本,也同样感谢修改英文版本的ShrimpStick,希望英文基础好的朋友能集思广益一下,看看语句是否不通顺,或者说我的构思是否有重大缺陷。
希望大家能V上去,今天又看到一个老玩家准备离开游戏了,心里很不是滋味,如果这些改 动能实现,是不是erep世界会更美好点?

最后请问各位大大,谁知道怎么发比较大的图到报纸里?知道的朋友请pm我一下谢谢啦! 最好提供下不需要申请的放图地址。




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