[UKRP] Congress List - November 2016 = Strength in Depth!

Day 3,293, 00:17 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by certacito

Following on from our highly successful outing in the October Congressional Elections, it gives me great pleasure to introduce our Candidate Listing for the November 2016 elections.

In all the time I have served as a member of the UKRP - I have seldom seem such a distinguished and experienced group of Party Members who have put their names for a chance to serve on the eUK Congress.

Without further ado - let me introduce our candidates to you:

1. Dave Trenga

Solid, quietly confident, reliable - he has been a staunch UKRP member for eons and can be depended upon to do the right thing!

2. Sir Humphrey Appleton

Back out of suspended animation (I do love it when people do that) and raring to re-enter the cut and thrust of the eUK Political scene, Sir Humphrey is one of our oldest and most experienced statesmen....

3. WookieO

He is hairy and extremely cuddley (according to Mrs Wookie) - a reliable and dutiful member of the Party who shows his South Western roots from time to time. Worth voting UKRP just for Wook alone!

4. Kapten Johnson

The good old Kapn - been around for the odd year or too - and shown that he is always there when needed - whether it being acting in political or military mode....

5. Fataliix

Fataliix - a man who has had many (at least a few) lives - and keeps on bouncing back. Twice elected Country President - and with over 100 Battle Honours to his name - here is one guy who really knows how to PARTY!

6. certacito

The oldest surviving citizen of eUK - a life member of the UKRP (never joined any other party) - who can be found dozing in his comfy leather armchair over by the fire in the UK Reform Club. Do not be lulled into believing that he is asleep - behind the scenes he is a busy chap - making things happen quietly and with minimal fuss....

7. Addaway

A character who in the past has had his fair share of controvosy - he remains one of the most energetic and active citizens of the eUK. He is worth his weight in Gold Wonka bars. You normally hear him approaching before you see him....

8. Lionbeard

Yet another of the faithful 'Old Fags' which makes up the backbone of the UKRP. Known for his steely determination and stamina, he is a good guy to have by your side in any political or military action..

9. Sambo223

Has matured from being the 'Noisy Lad' into one of the best members of the UKRP Team. Currently employed as Minister for Defence - he is a good person to see when running low on those all important weapons. In real life he is (almost unbelievably) some form of lawyer.

10. Galli2332

Yet another 'backbone' member of the UKRP - he is astute and calm in the face of danger. He is also reknowned for holding the record for 'Fastest over the Beams' - a tradition where members of the UK Reform Club hperform a gymnastic exercise by transiting the length of the Club Bar passing under and over the beams in the roof space.....

11. NeilEng

Apart from being the UKRP Memebr with the SCARIEST Avatar - Neil has been a loyal and hardworking party member for many years. He is a man of few words - preferring the strong, silent approach over that of the noisier shouty types....

12. Asim.Mehmed

One of our most recent recruits to the UKRP - he has made rapid progress through the military rank structure and is showing fine form for the future..

13. Dnouser

One of our Anglophile American Party members - do not be fooled by his boyish good looks - he is really a bit of a rottweiler when it comes to political debating. Let's hope that he stays here in eUK and the UKRP for some time to come...

14. GrEnDeLi

Our very own Rogue Squadron and Royal Navy hero. Compared with some of the old hands here he is still young - but is showing much promise for the future!

15. Franco Dratheon

Yet another of our promising young stars. It is particularly pleasing to be abole to insert new players like Franco into our Congress listing. Subject to attaining the requisite number of votes this term he could end up in Congress for the first time!

16. Icurlybear

Our Belgian Cabinet member - who has just been called back to Belgium for some urgent business - but for this he would be occupying a higher slot in the UKRP batting order!

I would challenge any other eUK Party to bring forward a more diverse, experienced and worthy group of candidates!