[UKRP] Congress List - December 2016 = Solid, Reliable, Balanced

Day 3,322, 23:06 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by certacito

Following on from our highly successful outing in the November Congressional Elections in which we secured 12 seats with just under 30% of the eUK vote, it gives me great pleasure to introduce our Candidate Listing for the December 2016 elections - and what I cracker I have for you.

This term we are fielding a full stack of some SEVENTEEN candidates (not badgers, with a list containing years of experience and service which dwarfs those put up by other parties. The surprise addition this term is HM The King Woldy - who after completing his post-Dictatorial sojurn has returned to the cut and thrust of eUK Politics as a member of the eUKs oldest Political Party.

Without further ado - let me introduce our candidates to you:

1. certacito - Leading the charge from the front - the oldest surviving citizen of eUK....

2. WookieO - he's hairy, he's tall and without a doubt he is the cuddliest Congressional candidate from any Party....

3. Addaway - energetic, eloquent proactive - one of our finest eUK politicians

4. Sir Humphrey Appleton - dear old Apples - a statesman and civil servant above all others - normally found dozing in a comfy armchair in front of the fire between debates

5. Sambo223 - brash, noisy, and full of energy - he has been putting his not inconsiderable intellect to goood use withing the eUK Ministry of Defence

6. Dave Trenga - the UKRP's Full Back - nothing gets past his solid and totally reliable figure. He provides muscle and commercial might wherever and whenever it is required

7. Fataliix - another key eUK member who has been there and done it. Hugely experienced he continues to add much to the running of the eUK

8. Thomas765 - the strong silent type, Thomas has been at the core of the UKRP since he joined as a lad, many moons ago

9. Dnouser - again - do not be fooled by his boyish good looks - behind his youthful exterior lurks a harden and razor sharp intellect

10. HM Mr Woldy - a man-cum-deity who needs absolutely no introduction, the Monarch for Life of the eUK - and the most reliable Dictator ever to have served a Constitutional Monarchy - it comes as no surprise to see HM gravitating towards the UKRP for his re-entry back into eUK politics

11. Rohirrin - stauch, reliable, and always there when needed, he is one of our most solid eUK Back Benchers

12. GrEnDeLi - the Champion of many Chamiopship Breakfasts, he is imaginative and ready to challenge the status quo - a true Reformer!

13. Lionbeard - one of our most vocal and active younger members of Congress - he will be campaigning hard to score lucky seat number 13 in Decembers Congress!

14. SirGurkhaOfTheMemes - Up and coming - a true fighter showing huge amounts of talent. Ayo Gurkhali!

16. Galli2332 - playing reserve this term - one of our more senior statesmen

17. Roachford - demonstrating the depth and breadth of our line up this term, Roachford will be standing by to parachute in wherever needed

17. ImPeRiL7 - young and relatively uNkNoWn (to me at least) - needs to buy me a couple of Sipsmith and Fevertree G+Ts so that I can get to know him!

So - there you have it - a bumper selection of candidates for the Christmas 2017 Congressional Elections. Let's make sure that we make it a good one - vote early and true!

I would challenge any other eUK Party to bring forward a more diverse, experienced and worthy group of candidates!