[UKPP] Electoral Corruption

Day 3,251, 16:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mad Pauly

So it seems that since Wily can't win by conventional means (for example, by not being a terribly bad troll), he has decided to revert to more nefarious methods, i.e. bribery and corruption.

Fortunately, someone notified me of this.

Is this a shoop? Some of the pixels don't look right...

Now, I admit that I did say that I would not stand again for UKPP PP, but that was before noticing that had I not done so it would have given Wily the opportunity for an unopposed run at the position, thanks to the moribund state of the party. This would further have allowed him to have a seat in Mongress next term, since UKPP remain a top 5 party (are you reading, ESO?)

So yes, please come to the UKPP. Please take Wily's £400. Then promptly vote for me instead - the only sane(ish) choice.

Who knows? I may wake up Jeremy Catspaw for a Mewsnight Corruption Special...