[The Seed] We need bromances.

Day 1,959, 07:54 Published in USA USA by HeapSeppo

Hello again. In the last article I brought up that we in The Seed are unsatisfied with the current alliance politics of eUS, and we want a change. Some suggested that the change we wanted was to go back to EDEN, but this is not what we are aiming for. We have several “bro” countries around the world with which we should further our relationship—old bros and new bros.

We have been a trial member of CoT for quite a while now and we have learned a lot about the alliance in that time. We give and give but do not get much back for what we do. We are being toyed with by countries with much less strength and numbers. It’s time, not necessarily to be in a power position of an alliance, but to be respected among our peers. We believe this can never happen in CoT.

Who are our bros?

As I mentioned, we have several “bro” countries out there, among these are countries such as Albania, Australia, Russia, France, Asgard and our old friends Brazil. These are countries that have big hearts, they are not among the biggest out there but when someone needs help they hit as hard as they can, and they can do miracles, as was proven against Spain when Canada initially freed themselves from the Spanish grip. With help from Asgard, which deployed to free them even when their own congresses were in trouble, they managed to free region after region and secured a congress for Canada. Later on they even secured congress for Sweden. These are REAL fighters with a lot of experience in warfare.

France has been under siege for far too long. They are that country that all of the world seems to have forgotten. For some reason people think it’s acceptable to let them stay wiped and pay for their own regions every month. We do not think so. France helped us a lot before and we helped them by forgetting them? It is time that France gets back on the map, without having to pay every month for it.

We still have a good relationship with Brazil, and this is something we want to keep working on. They are looking for the same stability that we are and it is possible that we can help each other find this. Right now there are rumors that they are looking to join TWO, but would they still want to if there were other options on the table? Are those in their current administration leading based upon the will of their people or some backroom deal?

We of course have many more bros than this, but to list them all here would make one long article. There will be follow ups to this one where we could go further into this topic.

A new alliance?

Is a new alliance practical? Is it necessary? An alliance is only as good as its members—its bros. While the new alliance rankings in eRep are pretty and all, we find it most important to set up MPPs with countries that we wish to support that will return the favor as needed. It’s time to lock together with true allies and form something not based upon some document, but on a desire to see each other succeed. Since the dissolution of TERRA there is a gap between EDEN and CoTWO. This is our opportunity to shape something new and bring fun and brotherhood back into the game.

But what about being able to defend against TWO?

TWO and some of its member countries are quite formidable. The joint power of countries such as Serbia and Poland is great. While we may not find ourselves aligned with a group that can overtake them globally, we can defend our regions and protect our bros if we have a common bond and focus. The idea of forming an alliance just to defeat the largest alliance only leads to one thing, and that’s a 2-alliance world (no pun intended). As frustrating as the stalemate of TEDEN/ONE was, the idea of a 3rd/4th alliance is the way to a more interesting eWorld, and the vision behind CTRL and CoT shares that, but that’s where our shared vision stops.

The Seed and Vanek26

Regarding this article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/v-for-victory-mines-ato-and-april--2235383/1/20

As Vanek26 stated earlier this week, he wants to explore the idea of expanding our bonuses. He shares common interests with us and we have decided to support Vanek26 in the upcoming election. This support is based upon Vanek26’s job performance and does not reflect an endorsement of Unity. As we said in the previous article, we do not support Unity nor AFA, but Vanek26 has shown some great progress during his month as POTUS and we would like to see where this takes us.

On that note we would like to make our voices heard in the matter and issue a challenge to Vanek26: Our desire is to see a formal break from CoT and a big change in eUS MPP stack this upcoming month.

Join us!

If you’d like to join a party that speaks up for “the rest of us,” join The Seed. We’re not big into meta-game, but we are about making the game better. Come help us plant the seed and change things for the better.
Join The Seed today!