[SFP] Thank You!!

Day 2,229, 10:08 Published in Switzerland Netherlands by jensenn

I had a dream so big and loud
I jumped so high I touched the clouds

Good day Switzerland,

As you probably know, we won 10 seats in Congress this month, and I'm now proudly presenting you the Swiss Freedom Party (SFP) Congressmen.

First of all, I would like to say: Thank you! Thank you to every single one of you that voted in this election and brought us the opportunity to change our country, our home!.

It was pretty awesome/fun holding this elections, even though we’ve lost around 4 seats in it. Anyway, we are very proud and I feel sorry for those who leave the country. -(shrugs)-

Now, over to the winning SFP members!.*

Congratulations! I hope you'll do the best for every single eSwiss citizen!.

During this term every single one of us will be able to help you and of course listen to your problems. We want the best for you so please don’t hesitate to tell us about your concerns or ideas!.

Once again, thank you very much for trusting us!.


*Click on the image for the link profile.