(RR#2) Kei Debates Script, Asian Complications, and Partisan Brewhaha

Day 776, 18:52 Published in Japan Japan by Myung Kei

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Sorry for a less than appealing 2nd Edition, hopefully with more time to think about articles and events (and less publishing everyother day and focus on a weekly or bi-weekly status), the show and format will become better. The Headline event collumn has also been updated with a pretty new icon, and once again thanks to the developer who made that.

The Poll Results Are in! And are as follows🙁By rank of highest to lowest):

What is your top concern for eJapan?

Foreign Policy
Partisan Politics in the Government
Social Issues

Kei Debates Script Here!

Enjoy 😉

[Myung_Kei] Thank you ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the 2nd Kei Presidental Debates, this time we have both Kita_Ikki (Current Minister of Defense) and Dokomo (Current Incumbent President) with us today.....so to take it from the top, the first question goes to current President Dokomo:

What would you say have you accomplished most from your time in office?

[Dokomo] I feel the military reforms have gotten people involved and competitive, as well as ensuring that we get people moveing to overseas fights

[Myung_Kei] Okay, the next quesiton goes to Kita, in your current campaign, what would be your biggest policy change if you became president?

[KITA_Ikki] I am interested in promoting eJapan as an independent force in East Asia, unbeholden to the politics of the superalliances. It will take some diplomatic finesse to strike a fine balance between Phoenix/eRussia and Eden/eUSA, but I think we can do it.

[Myung_Kei] Okay, now to Dokomo: What would be your key policies if you were reelected back into office the 6th?

[Dokomo] I want to use government's power to set up better economic conditions through state owned coroporations; I want to get us involved with our Asian friends...be it through Sol or a new way, we need to grow closer to our geographical allies

[Myung_Kei] Back to Kita: In the current campaign, what do you like the least about your opponents platform/term in office?

[KITA_Ikki] The decision-making process needs to be as open to the public as possible. What government funds will be spent supporting which battles in which resistance wars/regular wars should be discussed, and that hasn't always been the case until after the fact.

[Myung_Kei] Same question for Dokomo: In the current campaign, what do you like the least about your opponents platform/term in office?

[Dokomo] I dislike the "neutrality", as the first Hungarian President Lajos Kossuth sai😛 (Neutrality, as a lasting principle, is an evidence of weakness).

If Japan wants to be strong we need to find people that share our concerns and act with them.

[Myung_Kei] I am going to touch more on 2 areas that were hot topics recently for voters: Foreign Policy and the Economy...and first up is the economy:

Kita, what do you think (as a presidential candidate) is the strongest aspect of the economy? The weakest? And what would you do to fix that weak aspect?

[KITA_Ikki] The strongest aspect of the economy is our manufacturing sector, attractive because the wages are relatively cheap. The weakest area is probably construction, but that has never been a big industry in eJapan. We should focus more on the acute shortage of good land worker jobs. Ideally we could acquire some new resources or hopefully the new Economics module implemented by the Admin will balance out some of our resource shortfall problems.

Otherwise we'll have to encourage business owners to continue to make money through exporting our cheap goods to foreign buyers.

[Myung_Kei] Same question Dokomo: What do you feel is the strongest aspect of the economy? The weakest? And what would you do to fix that weak aspect?

[Dokomo] Well, I think the strongest aspect of Japan is a heavy amount of investment both foreign and domestic. For some reason, people love to start companies in Japan.....Our weakest area, like KITA said, is our land wages. Easily 1/3rd of Japanese citizens have to move out of Japan if they want to get a good wage. This has several effects:

1) we dont get taxes from those people
2) THey dont buy Japanese goods
3) THey have a harder time serving in the military
4) They are less involved in current events because of the difficulty seeing our media

Theres nothing we can do about that except pray though, so the one thing to do is bring stability to the land sector through government companies setting wage floors....It wont make it great, but it will end the fluctuations we see.

[Myung_Kei] Okay, in several areas of the marketplace we have seen some steep inflation in the prices of goods, such as Q5 items

Kita, in your opinion what is the best way to control the inflation in the current market?

[KITA_Ikki] The policy of printing currency for resale on the monetary market has generated a lot of gold for eJapan. There are inflationary effects, however. They are not as bad as real life economics would indicate due to some factors like currency being pulled out of the economy completely by inactive/dead citizens, etc.

But the effects are still there. If elected, I would pursue a more reserved monetary policy with less currency printed.

[Myung_Kei] Alright, Dokomo, many have attacked you and the current Minister of Finance (Vorph) for starting the inflationary cycle, how would you respond to this critique?

[Dokomo] I would say look at it as a system, not as a single cause and effect

Global demand for guns has spiked recently, and prices have surged accordingly. Japan itself nearly sold out of q1 guns during the Battle for Kyushu, with only 5 jpy offers left on the market....This takes time to come down, which, along with the Iron disruptions caused by the attacks on Greece, make it hard for our domestic companies to produce for the price they used to outside of any inflationary effects.

Thus, while inflation has increased I think these are mostly offset by the wage increases we have seen. Any further price increase is due to factors that we can work on mitigating through other means...Also, I have to say that currency prints can be reduced, but the government should keep a sizeable gold budget on hand. We know we need at bare minimum 550g a month to operate; And the only way to raise that sum is from the MM, thus we have to print currency

[Myung_Kei] Okay, lastly we onset into Foreign Policy, Kita, did you agree with the Kyushu ultimatum we sent to PHOENIX earlier last December? Also, did you agree that extra procautionary measures (such as signing MPP's with Spain and Poland) were nessecary at the time?

[Kita_Ikki] Yes, I think the ultimatum was useful primarily as a bluff to see how far Phoenix was willing to go to defend their colonies. Apparently to the bitter end as they did not move out of eChina's regions, which forced Dokomo to allow the eUSA through or risk looking like he was only bluffing.

The goals of liberating our eChinese friends were laudable. However, once the eUSA had failed to fight its way through at the Battle of Kyushu, eJapan's previous non-aligned stance came into question. eRussia in particularly stands ready to cause us problems if we are seen as an Eden/eUSA "puppet" and I do not believe the eUSA or Eden are ready/willing to help defend us, which is why I favor a neutral stance towards the superalliances.

[Myung_Kei] To answer to some critique Dokomo, a few in congres as well as citizens of Japan are claiming you have shoved eJapan into the EDEN sphere of influence, as well as compromise eJapan's soverignty by "giving away Kyushu" how would you respond to this?

[Dokomo] I would say that while we have obviously moved closer to EDEN it is not something I wish to be permanent.

I detest Spain and Germany's actions, as well as Indonesia and Serbia's....I guess I'm an all around hater, but there is one thing to be said, Spain and Poland aren't on our borders and even if I protest their actions they don't want to hurt us. Indonesia [for example]? They could be on our borders pretty fast. Russia already is, for that reason alone, we allied with EDEN nations...

And Japan's sovereignty was never compromised by loaning Kyushu to the US....It occured on Japanese terms, approved by the President and Congress, in pursuit of a goal that the Japanese people agree with, along with her allies in Asia This didn't split down party lines either, my opponent as well agrees with the goals and method. I may be the face man of the action, but there are many in Japan who wanted to see a free China and India, and today are glad it happened.

[Myung_Kei] Kita, who in your view is our best ally in the current times?

[KITA_Ikki] Despite fighting against us in the Battle of Kyushu, eChina. As our ambassador to eChina Reiji Mitsurugi has said, their long-term potential for strength is great. They have a shared East Asian culture. And I think we will have good relations with them for the foreseeable future.

[Myung_Kei] Dokomo, the same question to you..

[Dokomo] China: They trust us, we have good will, and their economy and strength will increase with their new high iron

[Myung_Kei] Alright, Kita, your closing statements if you please.

[KITA_Ikki] Dokomo and his administration have generally done a good job operating the government of eJapan. I hope to do as well or better than he has. However, the foreign policy of the current administration has not always been clear (or clearly stated), and this is what concerns most eJapanese.

How will our nation be seen in the coming months? Will foreign powers in the future expect that eJapan will continue to "region swap" whenever convenient for them?

Undoubtedly we will be asked to do so again in the future, and if elected, I hope to set a precendent of preserving eJapanese sovereignty and non-alignment in the struggles of the great superalliances.

[Myung_Kei] Alright Dokomo, your closings statements if you will

[Dokomo] I feel sad that KITA does not care enough to subscribe to my newspaper where for the apst month I clearly stated in many articles the actions of foreign policy. I am sad he does not read the Congress or Discrete Matters forum. I am also sad, he never voted on the Ultimatum resolution in Congress so we have no record of his opinion at the time.

But he is right that our relations in the future will be difficult....In fact, Hungary has already come to me asking to retreat Kyushu to South Korea in an attempt to root the US out of China. Playing on the idea that to be neutral we should not favor one side and let Phoenix have a go as well.

Neutrality is more than not taking a side, it's refusing to play the games that others try to embroil you inz: The US wanted us to be their gateway into Kyushu. Japan Phoenix wanted Japan to be their eternal shield for their wicked ways. Japan said no. The key is to say now when it offends your morals, any attempt at neutrality without the righteousness that is inherent to our nation will only make Japan weaker in the end.

[KITA_Ikki] I can appreciate that sentiment and hope to live up to it. 🙂

[Myung_Kei] Thank you both.....Gentlemen, this debate is adjourned.

Asian Woes: The PHOENIX strikes back

The map does not look good now as Russia and eHungary are on to move in an attempt to invade eChina and eUSA's holdings in those territories. Although the previous HelloKitty attempt actually turned out to be a brilliant blocking technique by the eUSA to draw Hungarian damage and time away from the Romanian front. A front which has since recovered and has progressed into a counteroffensive by Romania into Bulgaria. The fact still remains however that China may take a few nasty punches while retreating and swapping territories with the eUSA.

Serbia also makes the recent scene even more complicated with their landswap with Pakistan to Balochistan, leaving eIndia just one region away from possibly being attacked in the near future. The most likely target is eIndia's High Iron region of Karnataka, as well as Jharkhand, a high wood region in eIndia. Both are under control of the eUSA currently due to eIndia being unable to recieve Karnataka back until the contract with eIndonesia expires next month. With Serbia on the march to eIndia, only time will tell if that is the only target Serbia is after...

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Cut the Crap: Hateful Adds Spewing out of the woodwork

I do not have to say this twice, but once again the partisan politics of eJapan spews out of the woodwork as a controversial election materializes to reality. I could care less which side posted what or in defense of whatnot in the grand scheme of things, the bottom line remains these adds are about hate and not about class or character in a candidate. They deliberately attack and mudsling legitimate points and arguments from candidates who have honest things to say and have honest goals for the people of eJapan.

Whoever made these adds, and are continuing to make these adds (is/are) complete cowards who refuse to fess up and admit what they say in an open and public forum (because adds can only be traced via reporting). They think they can demean and demoralize the other side with these adds, but it is time to say "enough".

Remember, vote for a candidate by their principles and policies, not because someone paid a few gold to spew hateful and bombastic language onto our advertising forum.

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-Go to the eJapan forums

-Try out eJapan's IRC on the Coldfront Server at the channel "#eJapan". on Mibbit.com. Select the Server Coldfront, a nickname for yourself, and the channel #eJapan.

- This shows just how misleading news can be: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iVlH5X7L2g&feature=related.

And that's a wrap!