[Royal Navy] Mutiny!

Day 592, 08:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Royal Navy

A monumental event has occurred recently in the Royal Navy of the eUnited Kingdom. Long-standing Lord Admiral of the Fleet pony has announced his resignation as the Commanding Officer of the United Kingdom’s travelling Armed Force, and instead, devote himself to his lordship and advise the new Fleet Admiral of the Royal Navy.

pony has had an outstanding career in the military, signing up mere weeks before the famous Operation French Toast as a Private in Alpha Company, Charlie Platoon. Under the command of Will Salmon, pony quickly found his feet along with the rest of the newly found Royal Navy.

Being promoted almost instantly to Corporal pony then fought tooth and nail against the French for weeks until eventually, the war ended. pony then found himself as Sergeant of Charlie, marking his remarkable rise through the ranks of the Royal Navy, and the beginnings of his illustrious military career.

Soon after pony was promoted to Colonel of Alpha Company, and settled down in the relative peace the eUK had found itself in. With the disappearance of Will Salmon pony found himself being promoted to Commanding Officer by the Minister of Defence, Hassan Peseran who believed, correctly, that Horse was the best man for the job.

After several attempts to re-structure, and one resignation (his own), with the disappearance of Trooper_c, pony once again found himself as head of the Navy.

Soon after with the hard work of many individuals we have a more active, happier Royal Navy, who are routinely sent away on missions to defend the homeland. All thanks to Horse.

pony offers his thanks to the following people:
“A Few people I'd like to thank:

Will Salmon (MIA) - for seeing my potential and promoting me from the start
Hassan Pessaran - for allowing me to Command the Navy
Trooper_c (MIA) - for taking over when the going got tough
RomanSoldier - for keeping me sane during the 'rough' times
Cohen Nazar - for being a brilliant 2IC
Malta_1990 - for not fully accepting my first resignation
Horice P Fossil - for the lulz
HexXA - for being one of the best MoD's this country has ever seen
Del Fuego/AltmerVampire - for showing me the Navy could be fun again
Fusillade - for all his work on recruitment recently
James Woosh - for all his work on the recent reform
RodneyMcKay - for always being there
The members past and present of the Royal Navy - for taking the time to join up!
Iain Keers & Camelot - for the recent banter, and for giving me a kick up the arse when needed.
Anybody else I've forgotten - cause you've all been great!”

On behalf of the Royal Navy, pony, thank you for all the effort you have put in. You have been a fantastic leader, and a fantastic guy to work with.

However, with the sailing away of one leader, another must come. This new leader is none-other than Rodney McKay.

Rodney has been in the navy for over six months now. Six months of sheer dedication, unending loyalty and amazing good humour. Our new Admiral of the Fleet is easily the best choice to lead the navy with his unwavering leadership and amiable personality. And the Navy wishes the best of luck to him and gives its full support and admiration.

Fleet Admiral Rodney McKay had this to say when announced as the Commanding Officer:

I’m writing this to inform you that I am your new CO, first off I would like to thank pony for giving me the promotion and also for being the greatest Fleet Admiral I’ve had the pleasure of meeting, even though I’ve been left to fill pony’s shoes, I will try my utmost to get the job done and lead you to the best of my ability, I would also like to thank the entire Royal Navy who have been amazing while we went through REFORM!!! \0/, I’m in the process of making some small changes of which will be announced in due course, the first is my new 2IC which is none other than James Woosh

Thanks again
Fleet Admiral Rodney Mckay

Rodney will be a fantastic leader for the Royal Navy and will, undoubtedly, achieve as much as his predecessor thehorseltd did. The Royal Navy is sailing through a golden age, if you want to be a part of this new history, sign up here:


Thank you

pony cannot into command ;_;