[Root] Strength Through Unity

Day 2,573, 22:28 Published in South Korea Lithuania by Walen II

Hello everyone!

For the first time in our alliance's history, 5/6 of our members had fronts in the same week, 4 of those attacks were direct agressions to our countries, a big surprise for our HQ and governments. Surrender is not a option for us, we were decided to defend our brothers, regardless of enemy's size.

The first battle was epic, the confront between Switzerland and Montenegro involved much more damage than anyone expected. It started with 11x0 in favor of the enemy, however we surprised them with our main gun: union. Together we were able to turn the score in our favor and in the morning our friends came to help and make the battle even more epic. Victory! Congratulations Root fighters and thank you friends!

After the defeat our enemies, clearly not happy for losing for us and claiming "avenge for Montenegro" (By Australian CP words) launched a second massive front, now with 2 airstrikes, again the target was Switzerland. Argentina launched the second airstrike in Slovakia in order to reach Poland. In coordination with many of our friends and specially Poland, the Australian airstrike was easily won. We prefered to don't fight in the first battle against Argentina, but now the time has come! Let's release our Slovak brothers!

Fourth front, also a surprise, came from Austria which decided to attack South Korea. Austrian CP made a contact but didn't explain the reasons to attack. As the Australian airstrike, we were able to close this front quickly.

The Estonian front goes on, we had some defeats last week because the many fronts ongoing, but now we hope to manage this war to a new course. Stay strong brothers o7

Root, the last week showed to many people what's the real spirit of our brotherhood. Together, fighting as one body, we won battles that some said that we would never win. Unity is strength!

Join Root's military public channel for coordination: #rootbattles @rizon
*We have a update on our HQ involving the deputies, check our alliance's page.

Hail Root!