[RN] Strike Sunday (day 3,351) PLUS Air Battle vote

Day 3,352, 03:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Royal Navy

Good day shipmates.

Welcome to the weekly Strike Sunday report. It’s a little different this week - I’ve cut back on a lot of the stats to make room for an important discussion and vote about how the Royal Navy should handle air battles.

So with that in mind, let’s have a chat about air battles and damage, and then get on to the Strike stats...

Air damage in the RN

Every week I produce the RN Strike report, and as I do so it becomes more obvious that air battles and air damage are becoming increasingly important. Take this week as an example - three of the eleven participants fought in air battles. That’s over 25%, just in the three hours of the Strike. Over the course of week the significance of air damage is even higher.

On top of that the in-game leaderboards have started separating out air damage, and last week we put out a Royal Navy tutorial article specifically encouraging people - especially those in Division 1 - to concentrate on air battles.

So if air battles are here to stay and getting increasingly more important, how as an MU should we handle them?

Lots of different ideas have already been put forward. Here are some examples…

> New regiment just for air fighters (with regiment DO set to air battles as much as possible, and different awards for ranking up the air ranks)
> Record air damage in the strike, and give different food-based strike kits to air fighters
> Leave things as they are

So this is where you come in. I’ve set up a poll with some of the options in it, so you can vote on what you’d like to see. There’s also a comments section for you to tell us your own ideas - or you can put them in the comments on this Strike report.

Please note that none of this is binding - we’re just looking for ideas and comments from members of the Royal Navy on what you’d like to see your MU do. So please get involved - your opinions are important.

Click to vote!

Link to vote > http://bit.ly/2jofw7y

Right, now that’s out of the way back to the usual Strike report...

Here’s who took part in this week’s Strike Sunday, and what damage they cause😛

Overall damage was 189,225,308, which is DOWN on last week (because of air damage - more on that later).

This week’s participants organised by Regiment:

Congratulations to Harambe the Gorilla, me, Tinman1 and Evil Doctor for doing the most damage in their regiments this week. Nice work lads!

Damage is all well and good, but Strike Sunday is about attendance too. This week a total of 11 sailors took part, and the regiment who sent the most people into battle was … drum roll … Regiment 1!

Here’s how the weekly regiment table looks after that result…

Weekly Regiment Attendance Leaderboard
Two points for a win, one for a draw.

Regiment 2 (15 pts)
Regiment 1 (5 pts)
Regiment 3 (1 pt)
Regiment 4 (1 pt)

And to this week’s winners go the spoils 😃

Each week one Strike Sunday participant will be picked at random to receive a special Strike Bonus of 50 Q7 weapons. I’ll get random.org to pick a number, and whoever’s in that position on the overall Strike Leaderboard gets the swag.

This week’s number is 5, which means that laterofdeath wins this week’s bonus. Congratulations!

Take part in Strike Sunday!
Taking part couldn’t be easier. When the Strike is running (every Sunday afternoon, normally between 5pm and 8pm UK time - check the RN feed for the time) all you have to do is:

.1. Request a strike kit in the RN in-game chatroom (or on the MU feed if you can’t get to the chatroom).
.2. Fight like you mean it.
.3. Post your damage using the link posted on the RN feed.

That’s it. Done. Sorted. Bosh.

If you want a more information, simply check out this Strike Sunday article.One day I’ll get round to doing a new article, but until then everything you need to know is in there. But don’t forget, if you take a kit you MUST post your damage, otherwise you won’t get kits in the future.

Signing off
That’s it for this week. Well done everyone!

Compiled by:
Royal Navy: 2nd Commander, Captain Regiment 2 (HMS Sheffield)

What MU are you in? Really? Well it’s the wrong one. You should join the Royal Navy instead.

The Royal Navy runs its regiments based on sailors’ divisions, as follows:

Regt/Div 1:- HMS Victory (a.k.a.HMS Abrantes [RIP Alex])
Regt/Div 2:- HMS Sheffield (a.k.a. HMS Mick Cain)
Regt/Div 3:- HMS Ark Royal
Regt/Div 4:- HMS Conqueror
Regt 8/any - HMS Marie Celeste (for inactives and builder - unlikely to post damage)

Royal Navy newspaper: https://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/the-royal-navy-paper-189799/1