[Portugal Unido - Artigo Nº64] - Weapon's for Portugal - Presentation

Day 1,728, 13:45 Published in Portugal Portugal by Alvaro Cunhal

Good day to the International eRepublik community!

I come to you today to introduce you to a project that has been active for quite some time now, and that has helped countless players in Portugal and around the World.

The project “Armas por Portugal” or “Weapons for Portugal” was developed to help the military growth of the weaker players, making them more active, in order to stimulate them to be more participative and coordinated. The new Military Module allowed to start helping players from all Divisions. Initially it was a humble project to help Portugal’s defense, but in short time it became a renown International project that has contributed to take the name of Portugal to the four corners of the World, and defend our Allies as if it was our own Country.

This is a private project and being a NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) it works with its own resources obtained through donations and a lot of personal effort. Our Allies that wish to see us fight for their Countries will have to pay a small commission so we may function.


This will be the cost that any Country will have to pay for each player to fight for them, which I don’t see as expensive but more as a generous help to the players that belong to this project.
Basically it’s 1 weapon for each 5FF, becoming a bit more expensive when a player uses an Energy Bar or a Bazooka. Sometimes we fight with both resources and don’t request for anything in exchange, it all depends of the player’s decision.

We do not sell Damage, we sell only Food Fights (FF).

This project’s main rules are:

- Respect.
- Honesty.
- Trust.

I hereby pledge to present all prints of the Damage done and in the event that a player loses their Internet connection or leaves the channel without presenting a print, in case those that are buying the Damage wants to, I will refund them myself of all weapons that were provided to that same player.
During and at the end of the fight you may be able to check all prints and Damage in our spreadsheet:


We have fought for many Countries: Portugal, France, Canada, Greece, Romania, Croatia, Turkey, Indonesia, Iran, amongst many others!
In total we have given many millions in Damage, and we wish to all our Allies prosperity and we want you to know that you may count with Portugal to help you!

We only fight for Portuguese Allies or Countries with which we have come affinity with.

If you want to you may make your donation to Alvaro Cunhal.

If you believe this is a useful project, vote on this article, comment and attest for it.

For more information contact:
Ingame: Alvaro Cunhal
IRC: Latino29

All about the project (in Portuguese):

Don’t fight without a weapon!
Drop by #Armas_por_Portugal channel