[PMQs] Selected Logs from 15/02/16

Day 3,011, 13:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by FightAndProduce
SELECT LOGS FROM PMQ’s on Monday 15th of February.

Essentially, its the full logs with all most of the pisstaking left out and the swearing censored because eRep gets mad about it.

Speaker: First question by Mad Pauly is "Has the Prime Minister had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others?"
RathenaGelc: Mr Speaker, this morning I had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others and, in addition to my duties in this House, I shall have further such meetings later today.
Speaker: Do you have a response madpauly?
Mad Pauly: You must be psychic. I was going to ask if you were going to have further such meetings. But no further questions. Just thought I'd get the ball rolling.

[The next question would be the start of a quite lengthy ‘debate’ which would eventually spill onto eRepublik - So for the sake of brevity and tone I will not publish it here]

Speaker: “What can Prime Minister expect from further talks with frenchies also what kind of terms we need to obey to the frenchies?” by Popovic
Speaker: Your response Rathena Gelc?
RathenaGelc: Well, everything can be seen in the treaty. I really cannot say anything before the referendum has taken place. When the referendum ends, we will know how we will proceed. In the case that the public decided we're not signing a deal, then we will obviously have to look for other means of liberating ourselves. We've been working on that already.

Speaker: Next question by Dave Trenga is - How high turn out do you expect in the referendum? Do you expect the "two-clickers" to actually read the treaty, the recent debate and place an informed vote? The reason I ask is that most comments I've seen are from congressmen and active "elite" (as i miss a more apropriate word) and few new voices getting involved.
RathenaGelc: Excellent question. I hope that the turnout will be as big as possible. This referendum is about the path we take as a country, after all. I will do everything I can, along with government, to ensure as many people as possible hear of the referendum and vote.
Speaker: Your response DaveTrenga?
DaveTrenga: Can you give any examples on how you would do that? I mean reaching the "general" public without mass emailing them with something that cannot end up as anything less than a leading reminder. To me it still seems like a congress debate in the comment section of your article as most comments are from congressmen. Which makes me sceptic to how the general public would be reached. The information is there, but there is no way to force "two-clickers" to read through it all the only difference being that the congress debate has been lifted out of the congress mass pm's.
RathenaGelc: I'd publicise it very much, message players, contact them and try to work with PPs so people from their party know there is a referendum going on. Honestly, the agreement itself is not very long so I don't see how anyone wouldn't have the time to read it. I've opened a public debate about it to get people engaged first and then have a vote when everyone knows there's a big decision coming. I hope as many people as possible will participate, in any case.
DaveTrenga: That might be true. But there are a lot of good comments for both sides that people should be reading before making up their minds as well. Just a final followup Q: Will there be an extended voting period in an attemt to get a vast voting turnup or will it remain the standard 24h?
RathenaGelc: Good point! The voting period will be 48 hours in order to boost turnout.

Speaker: "What are you going to do about our alliance and it's relative weakness on the world stage?" - by Dannydan1208
RathenaGelc: This issue is something we've been talking about very much. Pluto is in a bad situation internationally and we all know it. As an alliance, we've agreed to try and enhance cooperation between all anti-Asteria countries in order to make ourselves safer and more powerful. If that does not work, we will change direction somewhat and try to get closer to other countries, such as Hungary.
Speaker: Your response Dannydan1208?
Dannydan1208: If not is leaving a possibility?
RathenaGelc Yes, it is. If we decide that Pluto doesn't serve us at all anymore, we will call a public referendum and ask people whether to leave the alliance or not.

Thanks for Reading!

-FightAndProduce (Speaker)