[MoMC]- I am Indian.

Day 1,697, 11:39 Published in India USA by India101

When the sun shows its glorious face in the east, we know its time.
It's time to man the kisans (Farms)
It's time to study
It's time to defend
It's time to fight.

But in a country that is so diverse yet so united, how can this be possible. India is made up of so many diffrent groups of people, and it is said every religion in the world is in India.

Whether it be Punjab, Sindh, Gujarat, Mahrastra, or any place. We know that at the end of the day we are INDIAN.

The tricolor is our flag, and is it waves around the world and as glory is brought in it's name our Bharati Blood (Indian Blood) pumps through our veins.

So no matter what the circumstance is, it is time to defend! It is time to help! Come to the call of your allies. Help by fighting in your Daily orders, and make sure to follow orders. Always Remember-

Mera Bharat Desh MAHAN!!!!!

(My Indian Country is GREAT!!)
(Victory be to Hind *India😉