[MoFA] Training war between eBulgaria and eRomania!

Day 2,450, 02:34 Published in Romania Romania by Ministry of Foreign Affairs RO


I. Introducere

Luand in considerare misiunile pe care le avem in aceasta saptamana, eBulgaria si eRomania au decis impreuna sa desfasoare un Training War. Ne dorim stabilitate, dar si posibilitatea de a imbunatati relatia intre cele doua tari pe viitor, pentru un scop comun: prosperitate.

Aceasta intelegere intre guvernele celor doua tari este valabila din data de 4 august, e day 2449.

II. Conditii

Ambele parti au cazut de comun acord asupra urmatoarelor:

1. - eBulgaria si eRomania vor participa la un Training War pentru misiunile care vor incepe in e-ziua 2450;

2. - Fiecare din cele doua tari isi pastreaza regiunile actuale;

3. - Regiunile non - core ale fiecarei tari nu vor fi atacate;

4. - Dupa 7 zile, se vor propune alte legi de Natural Enemy, urmate de un tratat de pace.

5. - Aceasta intelegere se va anula in cazul in care nu se respecta una din conditiile in care a fost facuta.

Semnat de:

eBulgaria CP - lqlqlqlio

eBulgaria vCP - MattrimCauthon

eBulgaria MoFA - Vesk0P

eRomania CP - msriasu

eRomania MoD - ioaa

eRomania MoFA - turturica


I. Preface

Given missions taking place this week, eBulgaria and eRomania decided to start a Training War. We also desire to work towards greater stabilization in our countries area, with the possibility to improve relations in the future, towards the mutual goal of both countries prosperity.

The following agreement shall be in force between the eBulgarian and eRomanian governments starting with August 4th, Day 2449.

II. Conditions

All signatory parties agree on the following:

1. - eBulgaria and eRomania will have a Training War for the missions starting with Day 2450;

2. - Each country will keep the current regions;

3. - The non core regions of each country will not be attacked;

4. - After 7 (seven) days, new Natural Enemies laws will be voted by each country Congresses, followed by Peace Proposal.

5. - This agreement will be declared invalid if any of the conditions above are violated.

Signed by:

eBulgaria CP - lqlqlqlio

eBulgaria vCP - MattrimCauthon

eBulgaria MoFA - Vesk0P

eRomania CP - msriasu

eRomania MoD - ioaa

eRomania MoFA - turturica