[MoF] New Tax Policy

Day 1,909, 08:08 Published in India India by Rebelash

Last weeks the ministry of Finance started for a major overhaul of the long unchanged tax code of India in order to increase the government revenue and to provide a better and competitive market for the people.

The change in the tax code started with the below given Administrative laws which were discussed and debated on in congress and then finally proposed to be voted upon. After being passed the laws changed the import tax of both weapons and food raw material from 30% to 99% effectively closing that market to foreign sellers and increasing the space for local sellers.

Law 1 : http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/India/123299

Law 2 : http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/India/123298

Furthermore the Government intends to increase the import tax of both food and weapons to a respectable 10% so as to keep our market competitive and increase the revenue of the government. Also we plan on increasing the VAT but its still being discussed . The government plans to keep the Income tax at 15% ,same as before.
