🐝 MoD Battle Orders – STING LIKE A BEE 🐝

Day 2,252, 03:23 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Dep. of Defence

🐝 MoD Battle Orders – STING LIKE A BEE 🐝



Hello Swiss Citizens and Friends.

🐝 We we have a Resistance War (RW) on the 22nd of this month to fight for a congress.
🐝 We will have fun !
🐝 We will fight against Slovenia at every opportunity we have. In doing this, we weaken them and help our Allies, such as Croatia and Italy at the same time. Please note that Austria and Slovenia only do practice battles, so fighting for Austria is worthless at this time.
🐝 For this reason, we are only supplying tanks to Swiss citizens that fight against Slovenia in ANY battle for Switzerland, Italy or Croatia. As long as the war is against Slovenia. With 25 kills, you will receive 10 Q7 tanks a day.

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We may be a small nation, but a bee sting is VERY painful.

You can find the MoD team in #Swiss.MoD @rizon, The Defence Channel of eSwitzerland during Swiss battles. Joining us there makes it more fun.

Best Regards,

Rican, Minister of Defence
