[Mewsings] Apocalypse Now!

Day 2,699, 00:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mad Pauly
...or Why A Dictatorship Is A Good Thing

There's been a lot of posturing why we should or should not have a dictatorship.

Here's my thoughts on it. We are under the threat of a hostile MTO which will leave us no choice in the matter if we lose. MEK will only try again and again. The solution? Beat them to it.

We need to put our own dictatorship, a dictatorship of our choosing, in place as soon as possible. We had this in place, like it or not, but thanks to misguided democratic idealists, an inactive and disinterested congress and BigAnt's stolen lucre, we lost it. Whether you agreed with Wayne's custodianship or not, at least at the time we were safe.

Now we have a congress that failed to act on a potential threat until it was too late. I hold my hands up in part to that, largely because of my own inactivity over recent days (real life does take precedence sometimes, believe it or not). Still, even without my input, there were 39 others who could and should have done something.

Let us combat this threat, then put our own chosen dictator in place as soon as possible.