[Mewsings] An Internal Threat?

Day 2,665, 17:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mad Pauly

It appears our Minister of Defensce has taken it to task to recruit members from various MUs across the eUK to put together some kind of pro-Democracy Task Force, "just in case". Although the news is second-hand, I have little reason to disbelieve it and have reproduced what I know in full.

American Defensce in action

This suggestion of an MoD-led resistance to the current dictatorship is troubling to say the least. Democracy advocates may welcome the news, but the truth is that any attempt to restore democracy given the current state of affairs could turn into the opportunity that hostile elements have been looking for - the chance to launch their own coup against the legitimate government of eUK.

Now before the vultures start gathering and the mudslinging begin once more, let me categorically state that I am not in favour of the current state of affairs. The issues with which we as a nation now have to deal have been forced upon us by ill-conceived game mechanics and as such we have to make the best of it.

If that means that we have Wayne as a dictator, so be it. Some of you do not like him (and by extension the Dental Corps) or the current state of affairs for various reasons. But let us not forget that it was during his term as CP that eUK saw one of its finest hours of recent months, fighting off a coordinated attack by six enemy nations including an airstrike from Israel. Even Wayne himself at the time did not believe it could be done.

Should democracy be restored, I cannot foresee it being for very long under the current game mechanics. As I have noted elsewhere, it would be relatively simple for foreign forces to instigate their own coup and with enough will, such a PTO would be relatively simple. Let us not forget that eUK still remains a rather small player on a much larger stage, even if on occasion we punch well beyond our weight.

So consider this.

Would you rather live under the yoke of a foreign dictator, who could allow his allies into the country on a whim and change taxes and laws to suit his own ends? Or would you rather see the continuation of the de facto government, wherein a meritocracy made up from elements across the political spectrum continues to strive to find ideas on how this country might be made great?