[Lucas4CP] Enjoy Project + Cabinet + Multiple Accounts

Day 2,357, 11:30 Published in Switzerland Lithuania by Walen II

Hello everybody!

This is the last article of my presidential campaign, I will present you the third and last project, The Enjoy Project. I will also show the success of my report to admins about multiple accounts in Switzerland. Read carefully to have notion of the proposals and events.

Enjoy Project

This project is nothing more than to provide entertaiment and fun to our citizens and the economic, military, political and population growth. The main proposals are:

I intend to find battles for the Swiss after the congressional elections, battles that are not TW. Battles for fun, fight and finally recover the spirit of war. If well planned, wars can provide a good chance of population growth.

Entertainment in forum
Once the new forum is released, will be available in forum a online multiplayer game, eg chess. Surprise events will also be held with prizes to encourage the forum activity and improve our communication.

Population Growth
Once all our projects are completed, growing economy and is structurally ready, it's time to try a babyboom which can be one of the last options to make Switzerland a stronger country.

The Harmony of the Project
With all these proposals being developed together with the other completed projects, it is expected that the Swiss have one of its best moments with a significant economic, military and political growth internationally.


CP: LucasFTM
vCP: Er0sensei

MoFA: TrogdortheTroll100
vMoFA: Joseph Rich
Director of Embassies: Daree II

Minister of Defence: Kaad
vMoD: LucasFTM

Minister of Finances: Tony Clifford

Minister of Education: Black Whiter
vMoE: Paul Proteus

Minister of Culture: Comrade Vladimir Ulyanow Lenin

Minister of Technology: LucasFTM
vMoT: Paul Warfield

Minister of Home Security: Er0sensei

Minister of Population: Black Whiter

*Remember the Department of Foreign Security should be secret for national security of our agents.

The fight against multiple accounts

Today, you are witnessing one of the most historic days in Switzerland, the ban of several multiple accounts hiding within us. A country with political threat never becomes a growing country, and for this reason I decided that one more effort could have great rewards. I evaluated each Swiss party and military unit and reported to the admins over 160 multiple accounts that were among us! That's right, 160! On the first day of investigation, a military unit already lost 23 members and Advance lost 19 members.

The multiple accounts in Advance were reported by myself! So dear citizen, pay attention to what you hear from your leaders, they say that we have created these accounts, but in fact they were created by someone with the goal of Take Over the Advance and falesly accuse us of multiple accounts to damage our image.

Be careful who you trust! They can just be trying to manipulate you.
Today, members of Advance celebrate the ban of all these multiple accounts and we hope their perpetrator is found by the administration. Good job Admins!

Vote smart

Before voting tomorrow/today, read and re-read carefully the proposals of each candidate, evaluate the experience of each and consider which can bring more benefits to our nation. Do not follow orders from your party, do not follow orders from your leaders, be free and vote for your future, for our future, the future of Switzerland!

Change, that's the word.

Commander of the Swiss National Army,
Party President of Advance.
