【LLEC参考】“eC与阿三:极光联盟的GG”与&ldq uo;eC, 极光联盟滑铁卢之旅,erepublik新时代即将来临?”&mdash ;—两篇译文

Day 2,471, 06:03 Published in China China by XiaoQQC


【第一篇】China-India: El fracaso de Aurora


Three Aurora countries attacked India, recently: Chile, Bulgaria and Macedonia. All of them failed.

The Aurora attacks were carried out in collaboration with India, due to its desire to be liberated from the occupation of "hostile countries" and with the help of Pakistan, due its aim of punish to the "yellow dragons".

The plan included a chilean attack to China from a more secure base in India, helping to Pakistan and the indians to expulse intruders. Chile would conquer a beachhead and would be followed by a mixed attack from another Aurora countries to complete the plan. After the failed chilean AS, that plan changed, however, Bulgaria and Macedonia, struck to India.

The defeat of Aurora is important, not only for the loss of resources, but also because it is the result of problems of military organization at a countries level and within the alliance.

It is not the first nor the last time Aurora has been defeated. About a month ago, Serbia blocked a plan of attack to Greece, voting a declaration of war (no NE) to erase border between Italy and Greece in Apulia.

In both cases, in addition to problems of inner organization, the colaboration with Sirius was a fail, whether for lack of support against Greece or by lack of coordination signing MPP (Chile-Polonia).

True, the "hostile" occupants were partially expulsed from India: Peru, Canada and Uruguay. However, a new neighbour, Montenegro and Iran stand in the area.

So, China remains as a goal, and where have failed countries like Poland, Brazil, Chile, Bulgaria and Macedonia.

In a game increasingly devoid of challenges, the Chinese have shown they have the ability to give us entertainment. They have shown the skills of support to its allies only if they are afraid from an imminent threat, punishing our improvisation and pride.

Now, Croatia is at Philippines and India and Pakistan are still waiting for freedom from China.

Will we take our revenge?

Copyright by Pescaman
Translated by XiaoQQC

【第二篇】:eChina, Aurora fail trip & New era in ER?
eC, 极光联盟滑铁卢之旅,erepublik新时代即将来临?


Everything was ready for the chinese party.

First was Chile with AS to Peru who would then go to China via NE, being on paper "land into peru is easy."

Then we saw strong private Chinese CO in favor to Peru, not so much by be allies, but it was for don’t let chileans a landing platform and then things calmed down.

After first failed attempt, Aurora was enraged, even an attempt of impeach CP was given in chile ... by the way, the pride was stronger and they decided to replicate the operation to China to its original scale: 4 or 5 aurora countries and pro aurora make multiple AS to China. Information of this have been knew in China near more than one month ago, I don’t know who could advice them… 🙂
第一次失败的尝试之后,极光联盟震怒了,甚至要弹劾利智CP……顺带提一句,傲娇情绪爆棚的他们决定重复老路去攻击eC:四五个极光盟国与前极光联盟国围堵爆菊eC。结果这条“新闻”维持了一个多月,根本停不下来,我都不知道该怎么劝他们了 ^-^

And the trip started, two aurora countries, after chile, which have more self-confidence bordering on arrogance with their latest achievements: Mkd and Bulgaria.
战争爆发了,俩极光盟国步利智后尘,马其顿和保保在之前热身赛攒足“why are you so diao”的自信,坚持认为能登陆eC。

Against the logic of the previous campaign, Bulgaria and then MKD landed in India, via direct and through Uruguay AS, which was practically abandoned to their luck by his closest allies in America.

The mood of the entire company was at its cusp so there was also we saw a Croatian AS to Philippines and the siege via borders to China was prepared, waiting in the following days the sooner Polish and Chilean AS perhaps on direct Chinese regions while others countries advanced also from the borders.

However, what has happened?

Again, China's CO did the expulsion via RW in india against Bulgaria and Macedonia, and even using the opportunities of direct attacks, using the MKD/BG aggression to Iran.

Result: Bulgaria Bye, bye Macedonia, who spent what they spent on their AS and they go home without glory and without pain. Then, Auroraboys stayed so quiet and in silence.

Today the eyes are placed on the colonies from Croatia and Pakistan in Philippines.

But is clear that today aurora should be carefully considered and think more than 3 times if they decide to go back toward China directly or indirectly. Nowadays, in the air we could breathe that attempts toward china have been gone and the operation is aborted.

The owner of the circus tried it and they were returned to home. They after sent the clowns to clean the carpet first but also the plan is frustrated again, making them spend resources.

Today is understandable Aurora maintains a low profile.

So, after these movements, where will this game go? Aurora, the only CO manager in the game will go to depresion? We came to a kind of death point like the end of the two-cot war? We are close to a new era in ER?

Copyright by EBM
Translated by XiaoQQC
