[IW PP] Congressional Candidates for IW

Day 2,554, 16:43 Published in Canada Canada by Hotelier

And so it is in the period of an impeding wipe that I take over the leadership of the Imperial Wolves. I cannot stress enough how important the virtues of unity and loyalty are at a time like this. But before I get into that, I have to share with you a picture of this amazing chili I just made.

I’ll post the recipe in a later article.

As for now, I have to disclose a couple of things regarding the future of the Imperial Wolves Congress. Recently the Imperial Wolves Congress has come under scrutiny for not following Canadian law, or remaining on the bitter edges of inactivity. I won’t deny that we have problems, but then again so does everybody.

What I will do however is share what the Imperial Wolves will be doing about it.

For the upcoming Congressional elections, I expect that all players seeking to be members of Canadian Congress to campaign openly. The harder you campaign, the higher up on the list you will be. I want prospective members to prove to myself, but more importantly, to the party what kind of player you are, and what your voting strategies include.

Thank-you. That is all.

PP Imperial Wolves