[Irregulars] - You got this

Day 2,194, 13:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Irregulars

Unit News

New Captain of the 1st Regiment

Congratulation to ChewChewShoe on becoming the Captain of the 1st Regiment in the recent vote with commiserations to the other candidates. Also a heartfelt thanks for his time as 1st Regiment Captain to Marvin Hagler

Army of Damage Dealers

"Ranked 3rd in the Damage Leaderboard of United Kingdom" x2. It's official the Irregulars have earned our first two Military Unit Achievements and narrowily missed out on a third (the 'hat-trick') to the fine sailors of the Royal Navy. A Commander's congratulations and kudos to all Irregulars who took part in the achievements.

War in Scandinavia
I'd also like to congratulate all Irregulars on recent BH, CH, FF, TP and Rank gains over the past few weeks that have scattered the 'unit's' feed and my 'friends' feed while supporting the UK in their Scandinavian campaign and allies acorss the new world. I personally feel the Free British Irregulars have done themselves proud in many key battles and campaigns.

Command and Orders

The Free British Irregulars follow orders from the Ministry of Defence via their direct communication with Commanders, 2nd Commanders & Captains or Newspaper or IRC Channel #MoD or fight to satisfy our conscience if orders are not forthcoming.

The unit also has it's own IRC channel #british, for our Irregulars to chat and receive orders. Even if you are not an Irregular feel free to drop in on the channel and enjoy the chatter.

The Unit

Huey George
alan warwickshire

Paulus G

Loyal Redcoat
John Morrow
Norris Bush
john GB
Marvin Hagler
Henry Hank Moody
The Dragon Fluffer
Jamie Carter
James Warren
Nael Micidon
pearson corp
Ralph Connery

The military unit ethos

The Free British Irregulars , fights for freedom, fairness and justice, we fight for the United Kingdom and her allies. Although the proud fighting arm of the Workers' Rights Party we will accept any man or woman who uphold our ideals.


The Free British Irregulars are always looking for more active fighters to enlist. Details of supplies can be discussed after enlisting.

So why not enlist today and we'll find you a role to fit your style of soldiering.

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Commander of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit
Writing for The Irregulars Dispatch on behalf of the Irregulars Organisation