[IRE] The UK: A Bully Worth Taking Down

Day 1,052, 17:51 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by HobbitTon

Greetings Ireland! For those of you who do not know me, my name is HobbitTon, and I am an aspiring writer, politician, and general manager from the United States. I have never been in lands abroad, but now, I think it would be nice to venture around the massive New World, bringing the rich experiences and daring adventures that will stick with me for the remainder of my eLife. Why not better than to start in the land of the leprechauns, Ireland?

After talking with prominent Irish laddie CelticTiger211, he advised me to publish to Ireland and receive a mutual benefit on both sides. For this hobbit, it would give be an unbelievable opportunity to increase my subscription number while getting much appreciated feedback from new faces. I wouldn't have that back in the States. On the other hand, I would hopefully be able to enrich the media of Ireland.

The United Kingdom? What are they good for anyways beside stale crumpets and sour makeshift tea? Unlike many other sublime countries in the New World, the United Kingdom has achieved stardom through artificial means. The country has been picking on smaller sovereignties, leaving behind a trail of fright. That's how the UK has gained so much groun😛 They nom nom nomed off other countries' fears.

To make the matter even worse, the United Kingdom joined a global alliance known for bullying even the big boys. PHOENIX (People Harassing Other eRepublikans Never In Xylophone) has been a powerful force throughout the New World for some time now. You need to stand up for your country, and fight against the United Kingdom and PHOENIX. If not..., well, hopefully this well show you the results.

What a pain in the Dairy Ann.

Time and time again, the Irish people have been subject to countless attacks from British forces who have been attacking nonchalantly. By the way, this is not just a territorial attack from the Brits, but it is an emotional attack as well. By attacking you and winning with ease, they are calling you inferior. You need to show them the true Irish pride!

But that is much easier said than done. It won't just happen overnight or overday. It won't happen just because you think it will. Sure, they might have a larger population than you, but the Irish are resentful. You will not win with a straight on brawn fight at all. Unless you have Max McFarland 2, you will need to be persistent and smart to overtake them. You need to be on the offensive!

Don't be too obvious. This is a major reason why most attacks fail. The best element of a battle is the element of a surprise. If your opponent is not aware of your moves, you will take them out. Too many times have I seen and predicted attacks to occur especially after days of heated tension. The next time you get picked on by the United Kingdom, let the tension boil down in the few following days. Afterwords when they don't expect it, press the attack button Mr. Leader.

Cause I'm a ninja! Ninja!

Get help when needed. I honestly can't stress that enough. You can always have the best military or equipment, but if you will lose most of the time if you are outnumbered. Before the day of the attack, talk with some world leaders and see if they can provide mobile troops. Now with the new Mutual Protection Pact rules, your allies join you in battle even if you attack!

Plan, plan, plan! Make sure your troops know what is going to happen beforehand. Coordinate mass attacks at a certain time so your attacks will be the most effective. Know you opponent inside and out because you never know what kind of tricks they will pull out. If you keep pushing against their troops, you will get them.

Know what you are fighting for. You are not fighting for yourself, but you are fighting for your nation. Ireland has been picked upon by the United Kingdom multiple times, and they should get a taste of their own medicine. If you keep that level of motivation up, that burning desire will come out, and Ireland will get stronger from there.

Use their own weapons against them. Use their own fire against them. The United Kingdoms use homemade crumpets with deadly gas in them. Not only are they cheaper than your average fragmentation grenade, they are far more effective, too!

These will be your best friends during the battles.

So, Ireland, are you ready to step your game up against the United Kingdom and its group of bullies (PHOENI😵? Your time has come to take back what is yours. Hopefully the tips I gave you will give you the upperhand against a future fight. The potential is there for sure, but it's how you execute it that makes all the difference.

Well, that's it for now. And please remember to vote and sub!