[HR-MVP] Pozdrav od novog MVP-a / Greetings from your new MoFA

Day 2,665, 14:09 Published in Croatia Greece by Croatian Foreign Office

Pozdrav Hrvatima, Srbima, jugonostalgičarima, komunistima i izdajnicima,

Govori vaš novi ministar vanjskih poslova. Pozvan sam od strane bojovnika Cro Ronina, da uvedem neophodne tehnokratske reforme u Hrvatskoj kako bi se ubrzala tranzicija i uklonila korupcija.

Prioriteti ministarstva su jasni: pojačavanje MPP-ova i održavanje dobrih odnosa sa saveznicima i ostalim zemljama.

Istina je da sam Србин ali zar je to bitno? Gore od Vesne Pusić ne može, a svakako ne od ovoga gde smo sada.

Čim recepti za kuvanje (sve pohvale za novinara) zavše u Top 5 u medijima to je znak da su neophodne promene. Ova zajednica je uspavana i nema bolje osobe od Србина, prvog ministra vanjskih poslova, da vas malo prodrma.

Ma cpamota bre! Do sledećeg čitanja!

Vaš MVP,

Ser Fartsalot


Greetings to Croats, Serbs, yugolovers, communists and traitors,

I am your new Minister of Foreign Affairs. Commander in Chief, Cro Ronin, invited me to implement necessary technocratic reforms in Croatia for a faster transition and corruption removal.

The priorities of this ministry are clear: more MPP damage and maintaining good relations with allies and other countries.

It is the truth that I'm a Serb but does that matter? It can't get much worse than this.

As soon as cooking advice articles end up in Top 5, it is a sign that a change is more than needed. Who better than the first Serb, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Croatia, to deliver that change and shake you up good?

Ma cpamota bre! Till the next time!

Your MoFA,

Ser Fartsalot