[History of the World][NMA]Finlandia

Day 3,344, 02:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mad Pauly

Following recent controversy, Mewsnight has been replaced this evening. Instead of the scheduled edition, we bring you Peter Snowy with

the latest in his series looking at the history of the world.

Please leave a comment below to help Peter do that whole media award thing.

* Don't look at a combined Sweden and Finland together on a map. You cannot unsee.
** Finns enjoy saunas, apparently.
*** It's bloody cold out there!
**** Not true. Though the Finns do have a lot of lakes. Around a thousand, if the name of the rally is anything to go by.
***** Also not true. Even Finland has roads.
****** Another blatant untruth, though the Finns have more vowels per capita than most of the rest of the world. Also, the spruce is on fire.