[GBDP] 4 Point Plan for Reform

Day 2,448, 15:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jny123

Hello, I recently left the busy party of UKPP to find a quieter place where i can just sit back and relax in politics. I have enjoyed been part of UKPP during its rebirth and i am very happy to see it spring back to the prominence it once held.

Now for the purpose of this article. I have joined the Great British Democracy Party, or GBDP for short. Its has a fairly good history although it has stumbled many times in its life. I intent, with the help of all willing, to get the party back to the glory days.

"What glory days?" I hear you ask. Well GBDP was never a big party, it once topped 36 members, and has never been credited with making any massive changes to eUK but what it can pride itself on is its members. Of the "old guard" 1 has become a trusted and well respected member of eUK, having sat in many prominent positions within government, and another has become a highly recognized player throughout many countries of Erepublik. I hope that i can capitalize on GBDP's past success in making great players and have that as its key focus, not being top 5 or making minor changes in government. As such I shall not be making a policy list and leave the policies upto the event we find ourselves in. GBDP is a free policy party.

I have therefore begun my PP campaign so i can enact this reform. To give more detail to it i have created my 4 point plan, which outlines the different steps i will take to help GBDP.

1. Know the name
- the objective here is to get the name known again. GBDP used to be a well recognized party but has now fallen into obscurity. This will be accomplished via articles and competitions.

2. Arrange internals
- The objective here is to know who wants to do what and what they want out of the party. At which point we make sure they get the experience they want. If someone is interested in finance then see what we can get them doing to boost both the party and their own experience.

3. Begin long term recruitment
- We currently have neither the resources nor the manpower to launch a massive short term recruitment so long term is better. We will come up with methods of recruiting that help us grow. GBDP has never been a big party so any sort of positive growth is great.

4. Promote members
- Once again GBDP was never a large party and focused on its members rather than the grander politics. This is similar to point 2 but expands it to the wider eUK. Returning to the my Finance example, I would hope to support the player get some experience with MoF or at least talk to the MoF and find out what it is like and how they do X and Y.

Its amazing what you find on google

Thank you for reading, please vote, shout and subcribe. If you have any questions please comment below or message me, ill be happy to answer.

If you are interested in joining then go here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/4232/1