[ENG] Day 1. Ms. President

Day 916, 22:57 Published in Russia Russia by Irusik

Hello, citizens of eRussia.

The working day in the country is in the midst ...
I would like to salute and thank everyone who voted for me in the elections and who supported me now.

At the beginning, I would like to mention that my admission into office was a little surprise for me. In this regard, I have to understand the structure of the previous cabinet as a matter of urgency, and also make some spot changes in the Government. We now assume that there's no longer any mythical "Ministers", and they are just specific people responsible for the specific area of activity. At least, every citizen of eRussia should know who is responsible for what. And he has every right to claim a report from the latter for his work, including myself. I do not know yet, what's my term in office will be, but I will simply try to serve as President of the country. I am always ready to listen to objective criticism. After all, this is exactly what prevents us from turning the nose up, and look for errors and omissions.

So, as we talk about the Cabinet of Ministers, I would like to note that at the moment, in a hard limit of time for thinking and discussions with the candidates, it will look like this:

1. Minister of Foreign Affairs - Mogaba
2. Minister of Defence - Derp
3. Minister of Economy and Finance - SPGC
4. Minister of demography - Agulak
5. The representative of eRussia in the Alliance - Romool
Minister of bright ideas - Alexander the Great
Minister of Magic - Mr.Sponge

without them, we neither there nor here (c)

And still want to add.
The President shall act in the public interest. For the President, there's no good or bad political parties, but the interests of common people prevail. Of course, it's difficult to do something that has not been done by my predecessors. I am always ready to negotiate with any political force. Furthermore, I suspect that many citizens have questions to the president, both for the current and previous administrations. Well, on my first day I declare my openness. Leave your questions in the comments to this article. In the next article I will try to answer them. How will it look like - either uniform grouped questions or otherwise - will depend on the number of questions.
Well, with God, let's work!