[eNews] Espanha & USA

Day 1,168, 01:59 Published in Portugal Cuba by Thindael

Ontem, após um debate nos Estados Unidos, canal: #eus-debate, falo-se sobre a situação de Espanha e o MPP.

Parece ser que USA quer romper todo o tipo de aliança com Espanha pelo tema de Rumania.

Aqui deixo-vos um log um tanto chamativo:

+Haliman ¦ Absolutely not. My decision to cut the Spanish MPP has only strengthened our relations with PanAm. We’re standing by our allies of Brazil, Croatia, and Romania, and are looking to continue our friendship.

+Haliman ¦ Spain is an enemy of Romania and Brazil, two of our friends, and is openly fighting against both. This is unacceptable.

+Haliman ¦ fin

@Krems ¦ go go Inwegen

I would like to see an agreement reached with Spain, but we must honor our new alliance. Its a tough call, I would have to speak with the Spaniards to get a better feel of what is going on with them and us. As the President has stated, they are openly fighting against two of our closest allies.

+Emerick ¦ Help Brozil's invasion. Spain's clearly beligerant towards Eden, and also Brozil is turning out to be an excellent new ally.

+Emerick ¦ So yeah. Invasion.

+Emerick ¦ End.

+Bill_Carson ¦ Spain is pig disgusting and should be destroyed. However I would like to get panam up and running before we murder some pigs. If Spain is as dumb as Haliman it should be easy picken's

A Portugal, interessar-nos-ia uma aproximação a USA, com um pouco de sorte em uns dias Portugal voltará a estar no mapa....

Viva a resistência!!