[Elite C] Defense Policies

Day 2,744, 12:58 Published in Ireland Ireland by Elite C

Hey again,

So with the Congress Elections over, the campaigns for CP can really begin. I have already released articles outlining other policies. No worries if you can't remember they're available below:

Citizen Related POlicies
Congress Policies

This article focuses on Defense Policies which will be implemented if I an elected on the 5th of June 🙂

Collaborated Army
• Use country finances to aid fighters across the board. Hand out supplies daily and accept donations from citizens.
• Get each MU to work in tandem and target the same Campaign together so that we fight as an Irish Nation.
o Provide limited funding for each MU that is represented on the Council of Defence.
o The CP controls who sits on this Council but will be required to invite all Commander’s of Irish MU’s to sit.
o A Commander may be removed by the CP if they or their MU breach any of the rules set-out by the CP and Minister for Defence
 The Minister of Defence will be elected by the Council of Defence at the first sitting.
 In the event of a deadlock the CP shall have the casting vote, but otherwise will not be permitted to vote for the Minister of Defence.
o Rules and Authorities of the Council of Defence:
 All Irish MU’s must chose the same Campaign to fight in at the same times.

Community Supplies
• A community supply of food and weapons will be collected and available for public use daily.
• This task will be undertaken by the Minister of Defence and their Deputy Minister.
• They are required to use an article to make people aware of the quantity of supplies available and distribute them when requested by a citizen of eIreland.

As always if you have any further questions drop me a PM!

All the Best,
Elite C