[DoI] Help the Interior!

Day 2,055, 17:50 Published in USA USA by USA Department of the Interior

The Department of the Interior is a nonpartisan, not-for-profit government organization with the sole aim of making this game more playable to newfriends and mid-level players. The DoI serves members of every top 4 party, and most major eUS Military Units. By now you’ve heard of the programs that the Department of the Interior operates and there's more coming:

>Meals on Wheels
>Tank Up 2 Rank Up
>Bewbs 4 Newbs

These programs are crucial for the well-being of many new players. Tank Up 2 Rank Up processed hundreds of requests for supplies in June alone. That’s about $15,000. That number does not include costs from B4N or MoW, which cost roughly $5000/month. This brings us to a total of $20,000/month without the new programs being added.

This is great, people are using our programs. They need the supplies to supplement what they are getting from their military units, from what they are producing on their own. They’re increasing the damage output of the eUSA.They are increasing in rank, strength and experience. None of us are playing this game alone. Some of us need help from you! These programs are running at the bare minimum, if we reduced supplies any further there would be no point! If we are graced with generous supporters, we could look into expanding these programs.

We hand out free stuff, but someone has to pay for that free stuff. The government no longer subsidizes the DoI. That’s the point of this article. We are humbly approaching the eAmerican population, asking for your support. We’ll do the grunt work if you give us the stuff to hand out. No donation is too small, nor too big 😉

Here’s what we really nee😛
>Q5 Food (B4N & MoW), or any food
>Q6/ Weapons (TU2RU)
>Cash (supplies, and extremely occasional votes)

If you are interested in donating to the Department of the Interior follow these few steps.

1) Donate items or cash to Senior Advisor & MoW Director Kodos

2) Fill out this form so we can keep track of all the money and items that will be coming our way.

Thank you for your contribution!

Each program has different eligibility requirements, and party promotions give more supplies to their members. Make sure to check you’re eligible before you request.

Department of Interior Programs

Meals on Wheels - Free Food!
1. Be a US citizen at level 25 or under
2. Grab your profile ID (this is the number at the end of your citizen profile page url)
3. Go to http://tinyurl.com/DoI-MoW

Bewbs 4 Newbs - Free Food!
1. Register @ eusaforums.com
2. Find a great bewb pic and your profile link
3. Visit and post your chosen bewb pic and link @ http://tinyurl.com/b4nerep

TankUp2RankUp - Free Tanks!
1. Be a US citizen at or between levels 25 - 29
2. Do not belong to AFA or any anti-American group (Party or MU)
3. Visit and apply @ http://tinyurl.com/eUS-TU2RU
4. Stay tuned for a revamp of this program as well

IRC Incentives Program - Coming soon!

eUS Armed Forces & Militias

eUSAF Flight Training: Apply Here - Free Tanks & Food!

Flight Training is the official eUS Armed Forces bootcamp. They will acquaint you with the game, and introduce you to the way that Military Units operate. You will recieve daily supplies, and battle instructions to maximize your damage. At the conclusion of your Flight Training course you will move on to higher level eUSAF Military Units

Political Parties

Federalist Party A Helping Hand Free Tanks & Food!
1. Grab your profile link
2. Go to http://tinyurl.com/eFed-Supply

USWP BR4iNs f0r z0MBi3s - Free Tanks & Food!
1. Register @ eusaforums.com
2. Find your profile link
3. Visit and post your profile link @ http://tinyurl.com/BR4iNsf0rz0MBi3s

We The People Feed The World
1. Grab your profile link
2. Go to http://tinyurl.com/WTP-FTW1

Secretary of the Interior

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